Alfred Russel Wallace: Letters and Reminiscences, Vol. 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 332 pages of information about Alfred Russel Wallace.

Alfred Russel Wallace: Letters and Reminiscences, Vol. 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 332 pages of information about Alfred Russel Wallace.
" | 218 | 1874 | Belt’s “Naturalist in Nicaragua” " | 258 | " | David Sharp’s “Zoological Nomenclature” " | 301, 403 | " | Animal Locomotion X. | 459 | " | Migration of Birds " | 502 | " | Automatism of Animals XII. | 83 | 1875 | Lawson’s “New Guinea” XIV. | 403 | 1876 | Opening Address in Biology Section, British " | | | Association " | 473 | " | Erratum in Address to Biology Section, " | | | British Association " | 24 | " | Reply to Reviewers of “Geographical " | | | Distribution of Animals” " | 174 | " | “Races of Men” " | 274 | 1877 | Glacial Drift in California " | 431 | " | The “Hog-wallows” of California XVI. | 548 | " | Zoological Relations of Madagascar and " | | | Africa XVII. | 8 | " | Mr. Wallace and Reichenbach’s Odyle " | 44 | " | The Radiometer and its Lessons " | 45 | " | Bees Killed by Tritoma " | 100 | " | The Comparative Richness of Faunas and " | | | Floras tested Numerically " | 101 | " | Mr. Crookes and Eva Fay " | 182 | 1878 | Northern Affinities of Chilian Insects XVIII. | 193 | " | A Twenty Years’ Error in the Geography of " | | | Australia XIX. | 4 | " | Remarkable Local Colour-Variation in " | | | Lizards " | 121, 244 | " | The Formation of Mountains " | 289 | 1879 | " " " " | 477 | " | Organisation and Intelligence " | 501, 581 | " | Grant Allen’s “Colour Sense” " | 582 | " | Did Flowers Exist during the | | | Carboniferous Epoch XX. | 141 | " | Butler’s “Evolution, Old and New” " | 501 | " | McCook’s “Agricultural Ants of Texas” " | 625 | " | Reply to Reviewers of Wallace’s " | | | “Australasia” XXI. | 562 | 1880 | Reply to Everett on Wallace’s “Australasia” XXII. | 141 | " | Two Darwinian Essays XXIII. | 124, 217,| " | Geological Climates | 266 | | " | 152, 175 | " | New Guinea " | 169 | " | Climates of Vancouver Island and " | | " | Bournemouth " | 195 | " | Correction of an Error in “Island Life” XXIV. | 242 | 1881 | Tyler’s “Anthropology” XXIV. | 437 | 1881 | Weismann’s “Studies in the Theory of | | | Descent” XXV. | 3 | " | Carl Bock’s “Head-Hunters of Borneo” " | 381 | 1882 | Grant Allen’s “Vignettes from Nature” " | 407 | " | Houseman’s “Story of Our Museum” XXVI. | 52 | " | Weismann’s “Studies in the Theory of | | | Descent” " | 86 | " | Mueller’s “Difficult Cases of Mimicry” XXVII. | 481 | 1883 | " " "
Project Gutenberg
Alfred Russel Wallace: Letters and Reminiscences, Vol. 2 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.