But I groan over Man—you write like a metamorphosed (in retrograde direction) naturalist, and you the author of the best paper that ever appeared in the Anthropological Review! Eheu! Eheu! Eheu!—Your miserable friend,
* * * * *
Down, Beckenham, Kent. March 31, 1870.
My dear Wallace,—Many thanks for the woodcut, which, judging from the rate at which I crawl on, will hardly be wanted till this time next year. Whether I shall have it reduced, or beg Mr. Macmillan for a stereotype, as you said I might, I have not yet decided.
I heartily congratulate you on your removal being over, and I much more heartily condole with myself at your having left London, for I shall thus miss my talks with you which I always greatly enjoy.
I was excessively pleased at your review of Galton, and I agree to every word of it. I must add that I have just re-read your article in the Anthropological Review, and I defy you to upset your own doctrine.—Ever yours very sincerely,
* * * * *
Down, Beckenham, Kent. April 20, [1870].
My dear Wallace,—I have just received your book ["Natural Selection"][81] and read the preface. There never has been passed on me, or indeed on anyone, a higher eulogium than yours. I wish that I fully deserved it. Your modesty and candour are very far from new to me. I hope it is a satisfaction to you to reflect—and very few things in my life have been more satisfactory to me—that we have never felt any jealousy towards each other, though in one sense rivals. I believe that I can say this of myself with truth, and I am absolutely sure that it is true of you.
You have been a good Christian to give a list of your additions, for I want much to read them, and I should hardly have had time just at present to have gone through all your articles.
Of course, I shall immediately read those that are new or greatly altered, and I will endeavour to be as honest as can reasonably be expected. Your book looks remarkably well got up.—Believe me, my dear Wallace, to remain yours very cordially,
* * * * *
Down, Beckenham, Kent, S.E. June 5, 1870.
My dear Wallace,—As imitation and protection are your subjects I have thought that you would like to possess the enclosed curious drawing. The note tells all I know about it.—Yours very sincerely,
P.S.—I read not long ago a German article on the colours of female birds, and that author leaned rather strongly to your side about nidification. I forget who the author was, but he seemed to know a good deal.—C.D.