Deephaven and Selected Stories & Sketches eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 306 pages of information about Deephaven and Selected Stories & Sketches.

Deephaven and Selected Stories & Sketches eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 306 pages of information about Deephaven and Selected Stories & Sketches.

For many years New England was simply a bit of Old England transplanted.  We all can remember elderly people whose ideas were wholly under the influence of their English ancestry.  It is hardly more than a hundred years since we were English colonies, and not independent United States, and the customs and ideas of the mother country were followed from force of habit.  Now one begins to see a difference; the old traditions have had time to almost die out even in the most conservative and least changed towns, and a new element has come in.  The true characteristics of American society, as I have said, are showing themselves more and more distinctly to the westward of New England, and come back to it in a tide that steadily sweeps away the old traditions.  It rises over the heads of the prim and stately idols before which our grandfathers and grandmothers bowed down and worshiped, and which we ourselves were at least taught to walk softly by as they toppled on their thrones.

One cannot help wondering what a lady of the old school will be like a hundred years from now!  But at any rate she will not be in heart and thought and fashion of good breeding as truly an Englishwoman as if she had never stepped out of Great Britain.  If one of our own elderly ladies were suddenly dropped into the midst of provincial English society, she would be quite at home; but west of her own Hudson River she is lucky if she does not find herself behind the times, and almost a stranger and a foreigner.

And yet from the first there was a little difference, and the colonies were New England and not Old.  In some ways more radical, yet in some ways more conservative, than the people across the water, they showed a new sort of flower when they came into bloom in this new climate and soil.  In the old days there had not been time for the family ties to be broken and forgotten.  Instead of the unknown English men and women who are our sixth and seventh cousins now, they had first and second cousins then; but there was little communication between one country and the other, and the mutual interest in every-day affairs had to fade out quickly.  A traveler was a curiosity, and here, even between the villages themselves, there was far less intercourse than we can believe possible.  People stayed on their own ground; their horizons were of small circumference, and their whole interest and thought were spent upon their own land, their own neighbors, their own affairs, while they not only were contented with this state of things but encouraged it.  One has only to look at the high-walled pews of the old churches, at the high fences of the town gardens, and at even the strong fortifications around some family lots in the burying-grounds, to be sure of this.  The interviewer was not besought and encouraged in those days,—­he was defied.  In that quarter, at least, they had the advantage of us.  Their interest was as real and heartfelt in each other’s affairs as ours, let us hope; but they never allowed idle curiosity to show itself in the world’s market-place, shameless and unblushing.

Project Gutenberg
Deephaven and Selected Stories & Sketches from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.