Andersen's Fairy Tales eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 204 pages of information about Andersen's Fairy Tales.
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Andersen's Fairy Tales eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 204 pages of information about Andersen's Fairy Tales.

“Nay; I cannot recover from my surprise!” said the learned man.  “What is the meaning of all this?”

“Something common, is it not,” said the shadow.  “But you yourself do not belong to the common order; and I, as you know well, have from a child followed in your footsteps.  As soon as you found I was capable to go out alone in the world, I went my own way.  I am in the most brilliant circumstances, but there came a sort of desire over me to see you once more before you die; you will die, I suppose?  I also wished to see this land again—­for you know we always love our native land.  I know you have got another shadow again; have I anything to pay to it or you?  If so, you will oblige me by saying what it is.”

“Nay, is it really thou?” said the learned man.  “It is most remarkable:  I never imagined that one’s old shadow could come again as a man.”

“Tell me what I have to pay,” said the shadow; “for I don’t like to be in any sort of debt.”

“How canst thou talk so?” said the learned man.  “What debt is there to talk about?  Make thyself as free as anyone else.  I am extremely glad to hear of thy good fortune:  sit down, old friend, and tell me a little how it has gone with thee, and what thou hast seen at our opposite neighbor’s there—­in the warm lands.”

“Yes, I will tell you all about it,” said the shadow, and sat down:  “but then you must also promise me, that, wherever you may meet me, you will never say to anyone here in the town that I have been your shadow.  I intend to get betrothed, for I can provide for more than one family.”

“Be quite at thy ease about that,” said the learned man; “I shall not say to anyone who thou actually art:  here is my hand—­I promise it, and a man’s bond is his word.”

“A word is a shadow,” said the shadow, “and as such it must speak.”

It was really quite astonishing how much of a man it was.  It was dressed entirely in black, and of the very finest cloth; it had patent leather boots, and a hat that could be folded together, so that it was bare crown and brim; not to speak of what we already know it had—­seals, gold neck-chain, and diamond rings; yes, the shadow was well-dressed, and it was just that which made it quite a man.

“Now I shall tell you my adventures,” said the shadow; and then he sat, with the polished boots, as heavily as he could, on the arm of the learned man’s new shadow, which lay like a poodle-dog at his feet.  Now this was perhaps from arrogance; and the shadow on the ground kept itself so still and quiet, that it might hear all that passed:  it wished to know how it could get free, and work its way up, so as to become its own master.

“Do you know who lived in our opposite neighbor’s house?” said the shadow.  “It was the most charming of all beings, it was Poesy!  I was there for three weeks, and that has as much effect as if one had lived three thousand years, and read all that was composed and written; that is what I say, and it is right.  I have seen everything and I know everything!”

Project Gutenberg
Andersen's Fairy Tales from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.