DROUAIS an enthusiastic painter, 153.
ENGLAND and its tastes, 264.
FAMILY affection an incentive to genius, 179-182.
FENELON’S early enthusiasm for Greece, 151.
FIRST STUDIES of great men, 55-59;
first thoughts for great works, 129-133.
FORKS, when first used, 356.
FRANKLIN, Dr., notes the calming of the sea, 133;
his influence on American manners, 272.
FUSELI’S imaginative power, 151.
GALILEO invents the pendulum, 132.
GALVANISM first discovered, 133.
GESNER recommends a study of literature to artists,
on enthusiasm, 154;
his wife a model for those of literary
men, 206-208.
GLEIM and his portrait gallery, 211.
GOLDSMITH contrasted with Johnson, 294.
GOLDONI overworks his mind, 147.
GOVERNMENT of the thoughts, 117.
GRAY’S excitement in composing verse, 141;
GUIBERT, his great work on military tactics, 265.
HABITUAL PURSUITS, their power over the mind, 302-304.
HALLUCINATIONS of genius, 148;
realities with some minds, 150.
HAYDN, his regulation of his time, 92.
HELMONT’S (Van) love of study, 152.
HERBERT of Cherbury, Lord, questions the Deity as
to the publication of
his book, 148.
HOBBES, theory to explain his terror, 150.
HOGARTH, attacks on, n. 87.
HOLLIS, his miserable celibacy, 201.
HONOURS awarded literary men, 249-258.
HORNE (Bishop), his love of literary labour, 135.
HUME the historian, his irritability, 86;
unfitted for gay life, 99;
gives his reason for literary labour,
n. 177;
endeavours to correct Robertson, 342.
HUNTER, Dr., fraternal jealousy, 156.
HYPOCHONDRIA, its cause and effect, 150.
IDEALITY defined, 137;
its power, 138-154.
INCOMPLETED books, 350-355.
INDUSTRY of great writers, 125.
INFLUENCE of authors, 267-270; 273-277.
INTELLECTUAL nobility, 250.
IMITATION in literature, 305-307.
IRRITABILITY of genius, 70, 86-88.
ISOCRATES’ belief in native character, 32.
JAMES I., a critical disquisition on the character of, 385-455.
JULIAN, Emperor, anecdotes of, 97.
JEALOUSY in art and literature, 154-159;
of honours paid to literary men, 251.
JOHNSON, Dr., defines the literary character, 12;
his moral dignity, 192;
his metaphysical loves, 200;
anecdotes of him and Goldsmith, 294.
JUVENILE WORKS, their value, 67.
LABOUR endured by great authors, 75;
a pleasure to some minds, 176-177.
LETTERS in the vernacular idiom, 375-379.
LINNAEUS sensitive to ridicule, 75;
honours awarded to, 191.