French and English eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 465 pages of information about French and English.

French and English eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 465 pages of information about French and English.

Details of these escapades on the part of the Rangers were not known in Albany; but rumours of Rogers’ intrepidity reached them from time to time, and Stark and his band were fired anew by the desire to join themselves to this bold leader, and to assist him in his task of harassing the enemy, and bringing assistance of all sorts into the English camp.

Bidding adieu to the Dutch, who had received them kindly, and now sent them away with a sufficiency of provisions to last them several days, they skimmed away still to the northward on their snowshoes.  They had taken directions as to what route to pursue in order to reach Fort Edward, and thence to pass on to Fort William Henry; but the heavy snowfall obliterated landmarks, and they presently came to the conclusion that they had missed the way, and had travelled too far north already.

“Then we must keep in a westerly direction,” quoth Stark, as they sat in council together over their fire at night; “we cannot fail thus to strike the lake at last, and that, if frozen hard, can be our highway.  At the southern end is the fort William Henry; at the northern outlet is the French fort with the name of Ticonderoga.”

This deflection in direction being agreed to, the party lay down to sleep—­Charles Angell offering to act as sentry, as he frequently did.

Since the tragedy which had wrecked his life, Charles had seldom been able to sleep quietly at night.  He was haunted by horrible dreams, and the thought of sleep was repugnant to him.  He would often drop asleep at odd hours over the campfire whilst his comrades were discussing and planning, and they would let him sleep in peace at such times; but at night he was alert and wide awake, and they were glad enough to give him his request, and let him keep watch whilst they rested and slumbered.

The silence of the snow-girt forest was profound; yet Charles was restless tonight, and kept pausing to listen with an odd intensity of expression.  His faculties, both of sight and hearing, had become preternaturally acute of late.  More than once this gift of his had saved the party from falling amongst a nest of hostile Indians; tonight it was to prove of service in another way.

In the dead of night the Rangers were awakened by a trumpet-like call.

“To arms, friends, to arms!  The Indians are abroad; they are attacking our brothers!  I hear the shouts of battle.  We must to their rescue!  Let us not delay!  To arms, and follow me; I will lead you thither!”

In a second the camp was astir.  The men lay down in their clothes, wrapping a buffalo robe about them for warmth.  In a few seconds all were aroused, strapping their blankets upon their shoulders and seizing their weapons.

“What have you heard, Charles, and where?” asked Stark and Fritz in a breath as they ran up.

“Yonder, yonder!” cried Charles, pointing in a northwesterly direction; “it is a fight on the ice.  It is not far away.  The Indians are attacking white men—­English men.  I hear their cries and their shoutings.  Hark—­there is shooting, too!  Come, follow me, and I will take you there.  There is work for the Rangers tonight!”

Project Gutenberg
French and English from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.