French and English eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 465 pages of information about French and English.

French and English eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 465 pages of information about French and English.

“Why not divide our forces?” asked John Stark; “there are enough of us for that.  I have often heard Humphrey speak of a wish to cross the sea, and to visit the land from which we have all come.  Why not let him choose a comrade, and go thither with letters and messages, and tell his tale in the ears of friends?  And whilst they are thus absent, why should not the rest of us make up a party of bold spirits, and go forth into the wilderness, and there carry on such work of defence and aggression as we find for us to do?”

“Ay.  I have no love for the unknown ocean,” said Charles; “I have other work to do than to visit new lands.  I have a vow upon me, and I cannot rest till it be accomplished.”

Humphrey and Julian looked at each other.  Already they had spoken of a visit to England.  Both desired to see the lands of the Eastern Hemisphere from whence their fathers had come.  Hitherto they had not seen how this could be accomplished; but Ashley’s words opened out an unexpected way.  If the citizens of Philadelphia wanted to send messengers to their friends across the water, they would gladly volunteer for the service.

“If Julian will go with me, I will gladly go,” said Humphrey.

“I will go, with all my heart,” answered Julian at once; “and we will seek and strive to do the pleasure of those who send us.”

Ashley’s face beamed upon the pair.  He knew by this time that no better messenger than Julian Dautray could be found.  He had a gift of eloquence and a singularly attractive personality.  His nature was gentle and refined—­curiously so considering his upbringing—­and he had a largeness of heart and a gift of sympathy which was seldom to be met with amongst the more rugged sons of the north.

He had made himself something of a power already in the circle into which he had been thrown; and when it was known amongst Ashley’s friends and acquaintance that his wife’s brother, together with Julian Dautray, would go to England with their representations to friends and to those in authority, a liberal response was made as to their outfit and introductions, and the young men were surprised to find themselves suddenly raised to a place of such importance and distinction.

It was an exciting time for Susanna and for all in the house.  John Stark came to and fro, bringing news that he had found fresh volunteers to join the band of Rangers, who were already making preparations for departure upon their perilous life of adventure.

Some of the older citizens looked doubtful, and spoke of the rigours of the winter; but John laughed, and Charles smiled his strange, mirthless smile, and all declared themselves fearless and ready to face whatever might be in store.  Come what might, they would go to the help of the settlers, be the Assembly ever so dilatory in sending help.

Project Gutenberg
French and English from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.