Whirligigs eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 291 pages of information about Whirligigs.

Whirligigs eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 291 pages of information about Whirligigs.

Once Goree was seized with a shaking fit, and almost came to a collapse.  He had to dismount and rest at the side of the road.  The colonel, foreseeing such a condition, had provided a small flask of whisky for the journey but when it was offered to him Goree refused it almost with violence, declaring he would never touch it again.  By and by he was recovered, and went quietly enough for a mile or two.  Then he pulled up his horse suddenly, and said: 

“I lost two hundred dollars last night, playing poker.  Now, where did I get that money?”

“Take it easy, Yancey.  The mountain air will soon clear it up.  We’ll go fishing, first thing, at the Pinnacle Falls.  The trout are jumping there like bullfrogs.  We’ll take Stella and Lucy along, and have a picnic on Eagle Rock.  Have you forgotten how a hickory-cured-ham sandwich tastes, Yancey, to a hungry fisherman?”

Evidently the colonel did not believe the story of his lost wealth; so Goree retired again into brooding silence.

By late Afternoon they had travelled ten of the twelve miles between Bethel and Laurel.  Half a mile this side of Laurel lay the old Goree place; a mile or two beyond the village lived the Coltranes.  The road was now steep and laborious, but the compensations were many.  The tilted aisles of the forest were opulent with leaf and bird and bloom.  The tonic air put to shame the pharmacopaeia.  The glades were dark with mossy shade, and bright with shy rivulets winking from the ferns and laurels.  On the lower side they viewed, framed in the near foliage, exquisite sketches of the far valley swooning in its opal haze.

Coltrane was pleased to see that his companion was yielding to the spell of the hills and woods.  For now they had but to skirt the base of Painter’s Cliff; to cross Elder Branch and mount the hill beyond, and Goree would have to face the squandered home of his fathers.  Every rock he passed, every tree, every foot of the rocky way, was familiar to him.  Though he had forgotten the woods, they thrilled him like the music of “Home, Sweet Home.”

They rounded the cliff, descended into Elder Branch, and paused there to let the horses drink and splash in the swift water.  On the right was a rail fence that cornered there, and followed the road and stream.  Inclosed by it was the old apple orchard of the home place; the house was yet concealed by the brow of the steep hill.  Inside and along the fence, pokeberries, elders, sassafras, and sumac grew high and dense.  At a rustle of their branches, both Goree and Coltrane glanced up, and saw a long, yellow, wolfish face above the fence, staring at them with pale, unwinking eyes.  The head quickly disappeared; there was a violent swaying of the bushes, and an ungainly figure ran up through the apple orchard in the direction of the house, zig-zagging among the trees.

“That’s Garvey,” said Coltrane; “the man you sold out to.  There’s no doubt but he’s considerably cracked.  I had to send him up for moonshining once, several years ago, in spite of the fact that I believed him irresponsible.  Why, what’s the matter, Yancey?”

Project Gutenberg
Whirligigs from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.