The Hollow Land eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 63 pages of information about The Hollow Land.
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The Hollow Land eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 63 pages of information about The Hollow Land.

We had not gone far, before we heard some knights coming, and soon, in a turn of the long street, we saw them riding towards us; when they caught sight of us they seemed astonished, drew rein, and stood in some confusion.

We did not slacken our pace for an instant, but rode right at them with a yell, to which I lent myself with all my heart.

After all they did not run away, but waited for us with their spears held out; I missed the man I had marked, or hit him rather just on the top of the helm; he bent back, and the spear slipped over his head, but my horse still kept on, and I felt presently such a crash that I reeled in my saddle, and felt mad.  He had lashed out at me with his sword as I came on, hitting me in the ribs (for my arm was raised), but only flatlings.

I was quite wild with rage, I turned, almost fell upon him, caught him by the neck with both hands, and threw him under the horse-hoofs, sighing with fury:  I heard Arnald’s voice close to me, “Well fought, Florian”:  and I saw his great stern face bare among the iron, for he had made a vow in remembrance of that blow always to fight unhelmed; I saw his great sword swinging, in wide gyres, and hissing as it started up, just as if it were alive and liked it.

So joy filled all my soul, and I fought with my heart, till the big axe I swung felt like nothing but a little hammer in my hand, except for its bitterness:  and as for the enemy, they went down like grass, so that we destroyed them utterly, for those knights would neither yield nor fly, but died as they stood, so that some fifteen of our men also died there.

Then at last we came to the palace, where some grooms and such like kept the gates armed, but some ran, and some we took prisoners, one of whom died for sheer terror in our hands, being stricken by no wound; for he thought we would eat him.

These prisoners we questioned concerning the queen, and so entered the great hall.  There Arnald sat down in the throne on the dais, and laid his naked sword before him on the table:  and on each side of him sat such knights as there was room for, and the others stood round about, while I took ten men, and went to look for Swanhilda.

I found her soon, sitting by herself in a gorgeous chamber.  I almost pitied her when I saw her looking so utterly desolate and despairing; her beauty too had faded, deep lines cut through her face.  But when I entered she knew who I was, and her look of intense hatred was so fiend-like, that it changed my pity into horror of her.

“Knight”, she said “who are you, and what do you want, thus discourteously entering my chamber?”

“I am Florian de Liliis, and I am to conduct you to judgment.”

She sprang up, “Curse you and your whole house, you I hate worse than any —­ girl’s face —­ guards! guards!” and she stamped on the ground, her veins on the forehead swelled, her eyes grew round and flamed out, as she kept crying for her guards, stamping the while, for she seemed quite mad.

Project Gutenberg
The Hollow Land from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.