The Hollow Land eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 63 pages of information about The Hollow Land.
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The Hollow Land eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 63 pages of information about The Hollow Land.

When I woke I was on the bank of that river; the flooded waters went hurrying past me; no boat on them now; from the river the ground went up in gentle slopes till it grew a great hill, and there, on that hill-top, Yes, I might forget many things, almost everything, but not that, not the old castle of my fathers up among the hills, its towers blackened now and shattered, yet still no enemy’s banner waved from it.

So I said I would go and die there? and at this thought I drew my sword, which yet hung about my neck, and shook it in the air till the true steel quivered, then began to pace towards the castle.  I was quite naked, no rag about me; I took no heed of that only thanking God that my sword was left, and so toiled up the hill.  I entered the castle soon by the outer court; I knew the way so well, that I did not lift my eyes from the groimd, but walked on over the lowered drawbridge through the unguarded gates, and stood in the great hall at lastmy father’s hall as bare of everything but my sword as when I came into the world fifty years before:  I had as little clothes, as little wealth, less memory and thought, I verily believe, than then.

So I lifted up my eyes and gazed; no glass in the windows, no hangings on the walls; the vaulting yet held good throughout, but seemed to be going; the mortar had fallen out from between the stones, and grass and fern grew in the joints; the marble pavement was in some places gone, and water stood about in puddles, though one scarce knew how it had got there.

No hangings on the walls- no; yet, strange to say, instead of them, the walls blazed from end to end with scarlet paintings, only striped across with green damp-marks in many places, some falling bodily from the wall, the plaster hanging down with the fading colour on it.

In all of them, except for the shadows and the faces of the figures, there was scarce any colour but scarlet and yellow.  Here and there it seemed the painter, whoever it was, had tried to make his trees or his grass green, but it would not do; some ghastly thoughts must have filled his head, for all the green went presently into yellow, out-sweeping through the picture dismally.  But the faces were painted to the very life, or it seemed so; there were only five of them, however, that were very marked or came much in the foreground; and four of these I knew well, though I did not then remember the names of those that had borne them.  They were Red Harald, Swanhilda, Amald, and myself.  The fifth I did not know; it was a woman’s and very beautiful.

Then I saw that in some parts a small penthouse roof had been built over the paintings, to keep them from the weather.  Near one of these stood a man painting, clothed in red, with stripes of yellow and black:  Then I knew that it was the same man who had saved me from drowning by spearing me through the shoulder; so I went up to him, and saw furthermore that he was girt with a heavy sword.  He turned round when he saw me coming, and asked me fiercely what I did there.  I asked why he was painting in my castle.

Project Gutenberg
The Hollow Land from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.