The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 49 pages of information about The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction.

The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 49 pages of information about The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction.
commonly stop at the gate to inquire the way to the inn, than drive up at once through the green field which is spread before its windows, and its fine flight of stone steps.  Very few dwellings are to be seen from it; and those few are mere cottages, chiefly inhabited by the fishermen of the loch.  One of these cottages is my dwelling.  It stands so near to the inn, that I can observe all that goes forward there; but it is so over-shadowed and hidden by trees, that I doubt not the greater proportion of the visiters to the inn are quite unaware that such a cottage is in existence; and of the thousand sketches which artists and amateurs have carried away with them, perhaps not one bears any trace of the lowly chimneys, or the humble porch of my dwelling.

On one fine evening in the month of August, seven years ago, I was depositing my watering-pot in the tool-house, when I observed a gig drive up to the inn; it contained a young lady and a gentleman.  According to my usual habit of conjecture, I settled in my own mind that they were husband and wife:  bride and bridegroom they could not be, as they were in deep mourning.  They seated themselves by an open window till it grew dark, and I saw no more of them that night.  In my early watch the next morning, I passed them twice, and changed my opinion respecting them.  They were evidently brother and sister:  there was a strong resemblance between them, and a slight difference in years—­the young man appearing to be about eighteen, his sister one or two and twenty.  She was not handsome; but the expression of melancholy on her countenance, and an undefinable air of superiority about her, engaged my attention.  The brother was handsome—­very handsome.  His features were fine, but their expression was finer still.  He had taken off his hat, and I had a full view of him.  What an intellect did that forehead bespeak! what soul was in those eyes!  “Why,” thought I, “does she look so melancholy, while leaning on the arm of such a brother?” But a glance at her dress let me into the cause of her sorrow.  A father or a mother, or perhaps such another brother, has been taken from her.  Whatever the cause of their common grief might be, it seemed only to knit them more closely together; for never did I see a brother and sister so attached.  They were inseparable:  and during the many days which they spent at the inn, the interest of their conversations never seemed to flag.  They were always talking; and always, apparently, with animation and sympathy.

On the fourth day after their arrival, I was sitting at work, at a window which commands a view of the head of the loch, and of the mountains on the opposite side.  It was then between four and five in the afternoon; the sun was bright, and the weather as fine as possible.  The tide was out, and, as usual, many groups of children were busied in collecting shells and sea-weed.  Among them were my two friends (for so I must call them.) They seemed in gayer spirits

Project Gutenberg
The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.