“Aye, Samuel Adams was whole-souled and high-souled,” said Davenport. “No one will dispute that, who knows any thing of his history.”
“New England had a host of patriots at the same period,” observed Kinnison. “Many of them did not possess the talents and energy of Samuel Adams, but the heart was all right.”
“Well, gentlemen,” said Mr. Hand, “there is a most important matter, which you have omitted. You have told us nothing of Bunker Hill’s memorable fight, in which, as Bostonians and friends of liberty, we feel the deepest interest. Which of you can oblige us by giving us your recollections of our first great struggle?”
“Mr. Warner was one of Col. Starke’s men. He can tell you all about it,” said Colson.
“Aye, if memory serves me yet,” said Warner, “I can tell you much of that day’s struggle. I joined Col. Starke’s regiment shortly before the battle. I always admired Starke, and preferred to serve under him. I suppose you are acquainted with the general features of the battle, and therefore I will not detain you long, with reciting them.
“On the sixteenth of June, 1775, it was determined that a fortified post should be established at or near Bunker’s Hill.
“A detachment of the army was ordered to advance early in the evening of that day, and commence the erection of a strong work on the heights in the rear of Charlestown, at that time called Breed’s Hill, but from its proximity to Bunker Hill, the battle has taken its name from the latter eminence, which overlooks it.
“The work was commenced and carried on under the direction of such engineers as we were able to procure at that time. It was a square redoubt, the curtains of which were about sixty or seventy feet in extent, with an entrenchment, or breast-work, extending fifty or sixty feet from the northern angle, towards Mystic river.