The Literature of the Ancient Egyptians eBook

E. A. Wallis Budge
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 349 pages of information about The Literature of the Ancient Egyptians.

The Literature of the Ancient Egyptians eBook

E. A. Wallis Budge
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 349 pages of information about The Literature of the Ancient Egyptians.
Khanes, 170
Khartum, 102
Kharu, 185
Khemenu, 22, 92, 95
Khensu-nefer-hetep, Legend of, 92 ff. 
Khensu-paari-sekherenuast, 95 ff. 
Khenthennefer, 141, 142
Khentiaaush, 164
Khent Keshu, 164
Khenti Amentiu, 65
Khepera, 47, 55, 68, 69, 70, 76, 121, 215
Kheperkara, 135, 162
Khepra-Set, 111
Kheprer, 19
Kheraha, 46, 53, 218
Kher-Heb priest, 13, 25, 27, 63, 84, 131, 132, 151
Khert Nefer, 132, 148
Khet, 142
Khnemetast, 155
Khnemet-heru, 142
Khnemu; 33, 34, 39, 43, 50, 60, 137, 151, 201, 202, 222, 238
  Legend of, 83 ff. 
Khuenanpu, story of, 169 ff. 
Khufu, 25, 27, 29, 30, 35, 36, 50, 242
Khuna, 133
Khut serpent, 108
Khuti, 218
Kina, 104
King an incarnation of God, 11
Kingdom of Osiris, 42, 45
Kummah, 101
Kutut, 112

Labu, 112
Ladder, 21
Lady of Plague, 175
  —­of the Stars, 167
Lake of Fire, 22
  —­of Kamur, 157
  —­of Neserser, 220
  —­of the North, 79
  —­of Seneferu, 156
  —­of Truth, 54
Lamentations; 238
  of Isis and Nephthys, 62
Land of the Blacks, 100
  —­of everlasting Life, 41
  —­of Oxen, 169
  —­of Souls, 247
  —­of Spirits, 134
  —­of the God, 108, 113, 125
Lapis-lazuli, 50, 64, 218, 238
  powdered, 6
Lasmersekni, 117
Laughter, 238
Law, the, 254
Law-goddess, 47
Lepsius, Dr. R., 28, 37
Letopolis, 91, 151
Letopolites, 32
Letters, business, 7
Leyden, 237, 242
Learning, value of, 250
Lebanon, 189, 190, 191
Library, 8
  of Heliopolis, 154
Libyans, 109, 112, 156
Lies, 40
Life, everlasting, 44, 55 —­fluid of, 16
Light-god, 43, 46
Light-soul, 74
Lightning, 250
Lime, white, 6
Limestone, slabs of, for writing upon, 7
Lion, 32
Lists, 7
Litany, 45
  of Osiris, 42
Liturgy of Funerary Offerings, 16, 17, 38 —­of Opening the Mouth, 13
Lord of Silence, 171 —­of Truth, 183 —­of Winds, 54
Lotus, 43
Louvre, 247
Love Songs, 241
Luck, 220
Luxor, 118, 148, 215, 252
  temple of, 93

Maat, 44, 47, 48
Maatet, 88, 89
Maati, the Two, 51
Maatka, 126
Maatkara, 144, 145, 146
Magic, 26, 252, 253
Magical papyri, 252
Magicians, stories of, 25 ff. 
Maka, 164
Makamaru, 186
Maker of Truth, 218
Malachite, 27
Mandrakes, 73
Manetho, 98
Mankind, destruction of, 71
Manu, Land of, 47, 48
Mariette, A., 10
Mashuashau, 112
Maspero, Prof.  G., 10
Matcha, 128, 131
Matchau, 214
Matet, 123
Mathematics, 254
Maxims of Ani, 228
Medicine, 252
Mediterranean, 79, 83, 109
Megiddo, Conquest of, 103
Mehen, 215, 218
Mehetch, 135, 136
Mehturit, 76
Mekes, 215
Mekher, 133
Melons, 209
Memory, 42
Memphis, 25, 45, 84, 112, 121, 122, 127, 133, 149, 151, 152, 153,
         220, 224, 225, 245
  capture of, 122
  cakes of, 62

Project Gutenberg
The Literature of the Ancient Egyptians from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.