Her-Heru, 186, 190, 193
Herit, 156
Herkemmaat, 56
Herkhuf, autobiography of, 131 ff.
Hermonthis, 123
Hermopolis, 39, 43, 50, 53, 60, 84, 117, 119
Parva, 85
Hermopolitans, 67
Heron, 43
Hert, 19
Herua, 207
Heru-Behutet, Legend of, 78 ff.
Heru-uatu, 166
Heruemheb, 254
Heru-Hekenu, 77
Herukhentisemti, 114
Heru-Khuti, 45, 46, 111, 220
Herushefit, 178
Herutataf, 29, 30, 31, 33, 50, 242
Heru-ur, 164
Het Benben, 123
—Benu, 117-19
Hetkaptah, 45, 112, 149, 220
Het-neter-Sebek, 117
Het Nub, 130, 131, 146
Hetra, 247
Het Sekhmet, 34
—Suten, 117
Het Uart, 140
Hieratic writing, 1
Hieroglyphic writing, 1
Hieroglyphs, 220
Hippopotami, 78
Holy Land, 45
—of Holies, 146
Honey, 159
Horizon, 30
Horus, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 33, 44, 48, 53, 56, 65, 69,
77, 80, 85, 88, 91, 110, 111, 137, 149, 151, 162, 164, 165,
218, 220, 254,
birth of, 90
children of, 221
—of Behutet, Legend of, 77 ff.
—of the East, 164, 218
—stung and restored to life, 90, 92
Horus-Set, 14
Horus the Slayer, 104
House, building of, 43
—of Amen, 113
—of Benben, 216
—of Books, 98
—of Fire, 215
—of Ka of Seker, 149
—of Life, 84
—of Seneferu, 100
—of Shent, 154
Humility, 227
Hunefer, Papyrus of, 45
Hyksos, 254
Hymn, funerary, 47
in praise of learning, 250
—to Nut, 18
to Ra, 18
Hymns to gods, 12, 214-21
Ibis-god, 84
Illahun, 121
Imhetep, 84, 129, 242
Immortality, 38
Imouthis, 84
Incantations, 41
Incarnation, 11, 13, 249
Incense, 13, 218
Ink, 6
red and black, 4
Ink-pots, 7
Iron, 15
spear and chain, 78
Isis, 33, 34, 43, 46, 65, 69, 75, 80, 81, 85, 88,
89, 91, 92, 97,
109, 149
—and Ra, Legend of, 74 ff.
Isis, blood of, 56
—speech of, 63
—wanderings of, 87 ff.
Island of Elephantine, 83
—of Fire, 43
—of Osiris, 54
Islands of the Blest, 244
—Mediterranean, 164
Israel, 224, 240
It, 151
Jackal-God, 15
Joppa, capture of, 254
Joseph, 83
Judge of the dead, 2
Judges, the Forty-two, 42, 52 ff.
Judgment Hall of Osiris, 42
—the Great, 2
KA, 11, 16
of Osiris, 45
Kaau, 128
Kadesh, 104
Kaheni, 123
Kamur, 157
Kamutef, 76, 214
Karnak, 118, 147, 148, 214, 215
Kash, 102, 103, 114, 135, 142, 144, 207
Keb, 13, 16, 18, 19, 21, 22, 24, 33, 44, 60, 62, 72,
74, 85, 111,
151, 220
Keeper of the Balance, 50
Kefti, 108
Kenset, 146
Kepuna, 186, 238
Kerkut, 20
Kersher, 59
Ketu, 108
Khaemennefer, 140
Khaemuast, 192
Khafra, 25, 36
Khahap, 151, 154
Khakaura, 101
Khakhepersenb, 235, 236
Khakhut, 146
Khanefer Merenra, 130, 131