Vabre, Jule, 222
Vanity Fair, 396
Vathek, 367
Vere, Aubrey de, 259, 260, 358, 361, 366
Verses on Various Occasions (Newman),
Versunkene Glocke, Die, 245
Victorian Poets, 265, 387
Vignettes in Rhyme, 401
Vigny, A. V., Comte de, 188, 191, 210
Villon, Francois, 298, 299, 350, 393
Vision of Judgment, The, 70
Vita Nuova, La, 101, 299, 302, 310, 393
Volksmaerchen (Tieck), 160
Voelsunga Saga, The, 334, 335
Voltaire, F. M. A. de, 92, 94, 95
Vorlesungen ueber dramatische Kunst und
Litteratur (Schlegel), 88,
158, 162, 192
Voss, J.H., 149
Voyage of Maeldune, The, 260
Wackenroder, W. H., 134, 152, 153, 159
Wagner, Richard, 153, 264, 391, 393
Walladmor, 38
Walter Scott et la Princesse de Cleves,
Ward, W. G., 360
Warton, Joseph, 61, 63, 64, 71, 73, 157,
Warton, Thos., 27, 57, 60, 61, 94, 157,
Water Lady, The, 279
Water of the Wondrous Isles, The, 337,
Watts, Theodore, 300
Waverley Novels, The, 30-39, 324, 378,
379, 403
Welland River, 328, 345
Welshmen of Tirawley, The, 260
Werner, Zacharias, 148, 149, 212, 302
Westwood, Thos., 276
White Doe of Rylstone, The, 16-18
White Ship, The, 311, 312
William George Ward and the Oxford Movement,
Winthrop, Theodore, 367
Wisdom and Languages of India, The, 157
Wissenschaftslehre (Fichte), 137
Witch of Fife, The, 252
Wood beyond the World, The, 337, 339
Woolner, Thos., 284
Wordsworth, Wm., 9, 12, 14-20, 48, 50-55,
71, 77, 80, 89,
119, 300, 333,
355, 358, 398
Yarrow Revisited, 14
Yeast, 383
Yeats, J. B., 261
Yonge, Charlotte M., 357
Yuletide Stories, 334
Zapolya, 89
Zauberring, Der, 168
Zeitung fuer Einsiedler, 138, 172
Zorrilla, Jose de, 246