A History of English Romanticism in the Nineteenth Century eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 451 pages of information about A History of English Romanticism in the Nineteenth Century.

A History of English Romanticism in the Nineteenth Century eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 451 pages of information about A History of English Romanticism in the Nineteenth Century.

  Reade, Charles.  “The Cloister and the Hearth.”  New York,
    1894. 2 vols. 
  Robertson, J. M.  “New Essays toward a Critical Method.” 
    London, 1897. 
  Roscoe, William.  Preface to “Works of Alexander Pope.” 
    London, 1824. 10 vols. 
  Rossetti, Christina G.  “The Goblin Market.”  London, 1865. 
  Rossetti, D. G. The Collected Works of Dante Gabriel
    Rossetti.  Edited by William M. Rossetti.  London, 1886.
    2 vols. 
  Rossetti, D. G. Family Letters, with Memoir by W. M. Rossetti. 
    Boston, 1895. 
  Rossetti, Maria F.  “A Shadow of Dante.”  Boston, 1872. 
  Rossetti, W. M.  “Dante Gabriel Rossetti as Designer and
    Writer.”  London, 1889. 
  Ruskin, John.  “Fors Clavigera.”  New York, 1871-72. 2 vols.
  ---------- “Modern Painters.”  New York, 1857-60. 5 vols.
  ---------- “Munera Pulveris.”  New York, 1872.
  ---------- “Praeterita.”  London, 1899. 3 vols.
  ---------- “Pre-Raphaelitism.”  New York, 1860.
  ---------- “Stones of Venice.”  New York, 1860. 3 vols.
  ---------- “Unto this Last.”  London, 1862.

  Saintsbury, George.  “A Primer of French Literature.” 
    Oxford, 1880.
  ---------- “A Short History of English Literature.” 
    London, 1898. 
  Scherer, W.  “A History of German Literature.” (Trans.)
    New York, 1886. 2 vols. 
  Schlegel, A. W. von.  “Lectures on Dramatic Art and Literature.” 
    (Trans.) London, 1846. 
  Schmidt, Julian.  “Geschichte der Deutschen Litteratur.” 
    Berlin, 1890. 
  Scott, Sir Walter.  “Critical and Miscellaneous Essays.” 
    Philadelphia, 1841. 3 vols.
  ---------- Journal.  New York, 1891.
  ---------- Poetical Works. (Dennis’ ed.) London, 1892.
    5 vols.
  ---------- “The Waverley Novels.” (Dryburgh ed.) Edinburgh,
    1892-93. 25 vols. 
  Scott, W. B.  “Autobiographical Notes.”  New York, 1892. 2 vols. 
  Shairp, J. C.  “Aspects of Poetry.”  Boston, 1882. 
  Sharp, William.  “Dante Gabriel Rossetti.”  London, 1882. 
  Shelley, Percy Bysshe.  Poetical Works. (Centenary ed.)
    Boston, 1892. 4 vols. 
  Shorthouse, J. H.  “John Inglesant.”  New York, 1882. 
  Sizeranne, R. de la.  “English Contemporary Art.” (Trans.)
    Westminster, 1898. 
  Smith, Charlotte.  “Elegiac Sonnets.”  London, 1800-06. 2 vols. 
  Southey, Robert.  “Chronicle of the Cid.” (Trans.) Lowell,
    1846. (1st Am. ed.)
  ---------- Poetical Works.  London, 1838. 10 vols. 
  Stael-Holstein, Mme. A. L. G. de.  “Germany.” (Trans.)
    London, 1814. 3 vols. 
  Stedman, E. C.  “Victorian Poets.”  Boston, 1876. 
  Stendhal, De (Marie Henri Beyle).  “Racine et Shakspere.” 
    Paris, 1854. 
  Stevenson, R. L. B.  “Familiar Studies of Men and Books.” 
    London, 1882. 
  Swinburne, A. C.  “Essays and

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A History of English Romanticism in the Nineteenth Century from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.