A History of English Romanticism in the Nineteenth Century eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 451 pages of information about A History of English Romanticism in the Nineteenth Century.

A History of English Romanticism in the Nineteenth Century eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 451 pages of information about A History of English Romanticism in the Nineteenth Century.

  Macaulay, T. B.  “Milton.” Edinburgh Review.  August, 1825. 
  Mackail, W. J.  “The Life of William Morris.”  London, 1899. 
  McLaughlin, E. T.  “Studies in Mediaeval Life and Literature.” 
    New York and London, 1894. 
  Maigron, Louis.  “Le Roman Historique a l’Epoque Romantique.” 
    Paris, 1898. 
  Marzials, Theophile.  “The Gallery of Pigeons.”  London, 1873. 
  Meinhold, J. W.  “Mary Schweidler, the Amber Witch.” (Trans.)
    New York, 1845. 
  Milnes, R. M., Lord Houghton.  “Life and Letters of John
    Keats.”  New York, 1848. 
  Morris, William.  “Hopes and Fears for Art.”  Boston, 1882.
  ---------- “Love is Enough.”  Boston, 1873.
  ---------- “News from Nowhere.”  London, 1891.
  ---------- “Old French Romances.” (Trans.) New York, 1896.
  ---------- [and E. B. Bax].  “Socialism.”  London, 1896.
  ---------- “The Defence of Guenevere.”  London, 1875.
  ---------- “The Earthly Paradise.”  Boston, 1868-71. 3 vols.
  ---------- “The Life and Death of Jason.”  Boston, 1867.
  ---------- “The Story of Sigurd the Volsung.”  Boston, 1877.
  ---------- See p. 337 for list of prose romances. 
  Motherwell, William.  “Minstrelsy, Ancient and Modern.” 
    Glasgow, 1827. 
  Moulton, L. C.  “Arthur O’Shaughnessy.”  Cambridge and
    Chicago, 1894. 
  Musset, L. C. A. de.  Oeuvres Completes.  Paris, 1881.

Newman, J. H.   “Callista.”   London, 1873.
----------  “Essays, Critical and Historical.”   London, 1872.
2 vols.
----------  “Loss and Gain.”   London, 1881.
----------  “Parochial and Plain Sermons.”   London, 1873-91.
8 vols.
---------- “Verses on Various Occasions.”   London, 1883. 
Novalis (F.  L. von Hardenberg).   “Henry of Ofterdingen.” 
(Trans.)  Cambridge, 1842.
----------  “Hymns to the Night,” etc.  (trans. of George
MacDonald), in “Rampolli.”   London and New York, 1897.
O’Shaughnessy, Arthur.   “An Epic of Women.”   London, 1870.
----------  “Lays of France.”   London, 1874.
----------  “Music and Moonlight.”   London, 1874.

  Palgrave, F. T.  “The Golden Treasury of Songs and Lyrical
    Poems.”  Cambridge, 1863.  Second Series, New York, 1897. 
  Parsons, T. W.  “The Divine Comedy of Dante.” (Trans.)
    Boston, 1893. 
  Pater, Walter.  “Appreciations.”  London, 1889. 
  Payne, John.  “Intaglios.”  London, 1884.
  ---------- “Lautrec.”  London, 1878.
  ---------- “New Poems.”  London, 1880.
  ---------- “Songs of Life and Death.”  London, 1884.
  ---------- “The Masque of Shadows.”  London, 1884. 
  Petit de Julleville, Louis.  “Histoire de la Litterature
    Francaise.”  Paris, 1896-99. 8 vols. 
  Price, Sir Uvedale.  “Essays on the Picturesque.”  London, 1810.
    3 vols. 
  Pugin, A. N. W.  “Contrasts.”  Edinburgh, 1898.
  ---------- “The True Principles of Pointed Architecture,”
    Edinburgh, 1895.

Project Gutenberg
A History of English Romanticism in the Nineteenth Century from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.