A Dutch Boy Fifty Years After eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 230 pages of information about A Dutch Boy Fifty Years After.

A Dutch Boy Fifty Years After eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 230 pages of information about A Dutch Boy Fifty Years After.

It was a veritable Armada that steamed out of lower New York harbor on that early August morning, headed straight into the rising sun.  But it was a voyage of unpleasant war reminders, with life-savers carried every moment of the day, with every light out at night, with every window and door as if hermetically sealed so that the stuffy cabins deprived of sleep those accustomed to fresh air, with over sixty army men and civilians on watch at night, with life-drills each day, with lessons as to behavior in life-boats; and with a fleet of eighteen British destroyers meeting the convoy upon its approach to the Irish Coast after a thirteen days’ voyage of constant anxiety.  No one could say he travelled across the Atlantic Ocean in war days for pleasure, and no one did.

Once ashore, the party began a series of inspections of munition plants, ship-yards, aeroplane factories and of meetings with the different members of the English War Cabinet.  Luncheons and dinners were the order of each day until broken by a journey to Edinburgh to see the amazing Great Fleet, with the addition of six of the foremost fighting machines of the United States Navy, all straining like dogs at leash, awaiting an expected dash from the bottled-up German fleet.  It was a formidable sight, perhaps never equalled:  those lines of huge, menacing, and yet protecting fighting machines stretching down the river for miles, all conveying the single thought of the power and extent of the British Navy and its formidable character as a fighting unit.

[Illustration:  Where Edward Bok is happiest:  in his garden.]

It was upon his return to London that Bok learned, through the confidence of a member of the British “inner circle,” the amazing news that the war was practically over:  that Bulgaria had capitulated and was suing for peace; that two of the Central Power provinces had indicated their strong desire that the war should end; and that the first peace intimations had gone to the President of the United States.  All diplomatic eyes were turned toward Washington.  Yet not a hint of the impending events had reached the public.  The Germans were being beaten back, that was known; it was evident that the morale of the German army was broken; that Foch had turned the tide toward victory; but even the best-informed military authorities outside of the inner diplomatic circles, predicted that the war would last until the spring of 1919, when a final “drive” would end it.  Yet, at that very moment, the end of the war was in sight!

Next Bok went to France to visit the battle-fields.  It was arranged that the party should first, under guidance of British officers, visit back of the British lines; and then, successively, be turned over to the American and French Governments, and visit the operations back of their armies.

Project Gutenberg
A Dutch Boy Fifty Years After from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.