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Abele, Abraham, Talmudist, 164, 199.
Abi’ezer, by Guenzburg, 220.
Abraham, son of Elijah Gaon, 119.
Abramovich, Andrey, statesman, 22.
Abramovitsch, Solomon Jacob, novelist, 203.
Adelsohn, Wolf, “the Hebrew Diogenes,” 200.
Aguilar, Grace, on Russo-Jewish misery, 154.
Ahiasaf Society, 296-297.
Aleksey (Abraham), proselyte-priest, 25.
Alexander I, during his period of tolerance, 111-113;
during his period of intolerance, 127-138,
140, 144, 163, 170, 192, 201,
249, 251, 253.
Alexander II, referred to, 11, 79, 261;
reign of reforms, 222-226;
favorable attitude towards Jews, 224-225,
the Narodniki, 236;
change of policy, 248-255;
plotted against and assassinated, 255-258.
Alexander III, referred to, 80, 255;
restrictions, 268-270;
pogroms, 269;
“May Laws,” 270-273;
Jews excluded from schools by, 273-275.
Alexander Jagellon and the Jews, 21.
Allgemeine juedische Arbeiterbund, Der, in Littauen, Polen, und Russland, 293.