The Haskalah Movement in Russia eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 255 pages of information about The Haskalah Movement in Russia.

The Haskalah Movement in Russia eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 255 pages of information about The Haskalah Movement in Russia.

[Footnote 32:  Ha-Boker Or, 1879, no. 4; FKI, pp. 537-538, 1132; Ha-Lebanon, 1872, no. 35; Ha-Zefirah, 1879, no. 9; Jewish Chronicle, May 4, 1877; Keneset Yisrael, 1887, pp. 157-162; Ha-Meliz, ix. (1889), nos. 198-199, 201, 232; Jost, op. cit., p. 305.  Da’at Kedoshim, St. Petersburg, 1897, pp. 19, 22, 27.]

[Footnote 33:  These biographical sketches, first published respectively in the New Era Illustrated Magazine (1905, pp. 387-396) and the American Israelite (April 25, 1907), are drawn from the following sources; Houzner, I.B.  Levinsohn (Russian), Odessa, 1862; Nathanson, Sefer ha-Zikronot (Heb.), Warsaw, 1878; Yiddishe Bibliotek (Yid.), Kiev, 1888; also Annalen, 1839, no. 17; Ha-Maggid, 1863, p. 381; Ha-Zefirah, 1900, p. 197; Maggid, op. cit., pp. 86-115; Guenzburg, Debir, i. and ii., Warsaw, 1883; Kiryat Sefer, Vilna, 1835 (esp.  Letters 85-93, 101-102); Abi’ezer, Vilna, 1863; Lebensohn, Kiryat Soferim, Vilna, 1847; Pardes, i. 192; Recke und Napyersky, Allgemeines Schriftsteller und Gelehrten Lexicon der Provinzen Livland, Esthland und Kurland, Mitau, 1829, pp. 147-148; and the works referred to in the text.]




(pp. 222-267)

[Footnote 1:  San Donato, The Jewish Question, St. Petersburg, 1883, p. 36.]

[Footnote 2:  Ha-Meliz, 1888, nos. 95, 163; Gordon, Iggerot, Warsaw, 1894, ii., and Russky Vyestnik, 1858, i. 126.]

[Footnote 3:  Scholz, Die Juden in Russland, Berlin, 1900, pp. 102-107; Hessen, Galeriya, p. 23; Voskhod, 1881, v. 1893; viii; Russky Yevrey, 1882, i.]

[Footnote 4:  Second Complete Russian Code, xxv, nos. 24, 768; xxvii. nos. 26, 508.]

[Footnote 5:  Voskhod, October, 1881; Chwolson, Die Blutanklage, Frankfort-on-the-Main, 1901, p. 117.]

[Footnote 6:  Zunser, Biography, p. 28.]

[Footnote 7:  Kol Shire Mahallalel, i. 79-91.]

[Footnote 8:  Kol Shire YeLeG, i. 43.]

[Footnote 9:  Bramson, op. cit, pp. 52-54; Russky Yevrey, 1879, nos. 16-17.]

[Footnote 10:  Rosenthal, Toledot Hebrat Marbe Haskalah, i. 3, 19, 103, 158-159; ii.  Introduction.]

[Footnote 11:  How happy the Maskilim of that time were to save their fellows from the darkness of ignorance can be seen from the following anecdote told by a Maskil in a retrospective mood (Ha-Shiloah, xvii., 257-258):  “Among the first of our young men to enter the gymnasium of my native town of Mohilev were Ackselrod and the Leventhal brothers.  The former began to give instruction while he was still in the third grade ....  One morning he suddenly disappeared.  After several days of anxious search it was discovered that he had left on foot for Shklov, a distance of about thirty vyersts, and while there he succeeded in persuading fifteen boys to leave the yeshibah and come with him to Mohilev, where, like a puissant warrior returning in triumph, he went with his little army to the different homes to secure board and lodging for them while they were being prepared for admission into the gymnasium.”]

Project Gutenberg
The Haskalah Movement in Russia from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.