And to conceal their mis-actings, they generally do all by word of mouth, and not enter their prescriptions into their Books, being haply ashamed any knowing men should discover their sins of omission, as dangerous many times in point of life and health, as those of their commission. Whereas Physicians Bills are on the File, or registred in Order in their own Books, which is their justification from all misrepresentations.
Again, they sufficiently confess their ignorance, by calling in Physicians when their own, or any of their relations healths are concerned, and the same all people acknowledge, when they are in distress and danger. And very few understanding persons, and none that are learned and knowing, will trust them at all. But I shall refer the Reader to the forementioned Writer against the Apothecaries, viz. Dr. Daniel Coxe, who permitted me to name him here; by whom this and many other things here but briefly touched, are judiciously handled, and more largely.
And as for their skill in practice, we daily see their gross errours and omissions, being called where they have given Medicines. I shall instance only in one that hapned at the writing hereof; viz. that an Apothecary gave strong Purging Pills on the Fit day of a gentle Quartan Ague, which turned it into a violent Fever, to the great hazard of the Patients life.
And at how easie rate they practise, many of their Bills brought and complained of to our College, (in some whereof I have seen Fees set down for Visits) witness, wherein upon a slight disease 5 l. hath been demanded for four days practice. And I have heard one of them brag, that he commonly had from 20 to 100 l. besides presents, for cure of a Clap (as they call it) which might have been more speedily and securely performed for a manifold lesser sum.
I now come to answer some slight objections; as first, that Physicians are unskillful in the Art of making Medicines; but sure those that thus object cannot deny them that ability which Ladies, and almost all ordinary women have; viz. of distilling of waters of all sorts, making of Syrups, Conserves, Preserves, Powders, Trochiscs, Electuaries (and what not) and as many think, more cleanly and neatly then the Apothecaries; and some of them Ointments, and Plasters, in which two lyes their main skill. Some whereof, to those that understand not the way of dissolution of bodies, and the nature of their mixture may be difficult. Yet this defect they may supply by lessening the number of ingredients, and may perform more with 2, or 3 Simples, then with the larger Compositions, as ’tis manifest in the use of Galbanum alone, now used and found better then Emplastrum Hystericum, consisting of 21 ingredients.