Collected Essays, Volume V eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 394 pages of information about Collected Essays, Volume V.

Collected Essays, Volume V eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 394 pages of information about Collected Essays, Volume V.

New York:  D. APPLETON & CO., 72 Fifth Avenue.

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PIONEERS OF EVOLUTION, from Thales to Huxley. 
     By EDWARD CLODD, President of the Folk-Lore Society;
     Author of “The Story of Creation,”
     “The Story of ‘Primitive’ Man,” etc
     With Portraits. 12mo.  Cloth. $1.50.

“The mass of interesting material which Mr. Clodd has got together and woven into a symmetrical story of the progress from ignorance and theory to knowledge and the intelligent recording of fact is prodigious....  The ‘goal’ to which Mr. Clodd leads us in so masterly a fashion is but the starting point of fresh achievements, and, in due course, fresh theories.  His book furnishes an important contribution to a liberal education.”—­London Daily Chronicle.
“We are always glad to meet Mr. Clodd.  He is never dull; he is always well informed, and he says what he has to say with clearness and precision....  The interest intensifies as Mr. Clodd attempts to show the part really played in the growth of the doctrine of evolution by men like Wallace, Darwin, Huxley, and Spencer....  We commend the book to those who want to know what evolution really means.”—­London Times.
“This is a book which was needed....  Altogether, the book could hardly be better done.  It is luminous, lucid, orderly, and temperate.  Above all, it is entirely free from personal partisanship.  Each chief actor is sympathetically treated, and friendship is seldom or never allowed to overweight sound judgment.”—­London Academy.
“We can assure the reader that he will find in this work a very useful guide to the lives and labors of leading evolutionists of the past and present.  Especially serviceable is the account of Mr. Herbert Spencer and his share in rediscovering evolution, and illustrating its relations to the whole field of human knowledge.  His forcible style and wealth of metaphor make all that Mr. Clodd writes arrestive and interesting.”—­London Literary World.
“Can not but prove welcome to fair-minded men....  To read it is to have an object-lesson in the meaning of evolution....  There is no better book on the subject for the general reader....  No one could go through the book without being both refreshed and newly instructed by its masterly survey of the growth of the most powerful idea of modern times.”—­The Scotsman.


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     New edition.  By the Rev. HOWARD MACQUEARY. 
     With a new Preface, in which the Author answers his Critics,
     and with some important Additions. 12mo.  Cloth, $1.75.

Project Gutenberg
Collected Essays, Volume V from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.