Collected Essays, Volume V eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 394 pages of information about Collected Essays, Volume V.

Collected Essays, Volume V eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 394 pages of information about Collected Essays, Volume V.

Dr. Wace takes a great deal of trouble to make it appear that I have desired to evade the real questions raised by his attack upon me at the Church Congress.  I assure the reverend Principal that in this, as in some other respects, he has entertained a very erroneous conception of my intentions.  Things would assume more accurate proportions in Dr. Wace’s mind, if he would kindly remember that it is just thirty years since ecclesiastical thunderbolts began to fly about my ears.  I have had the “Lion and the Bear” to deal with, and it is long since I got quite used to the threatenings of episcopal Goliaths, whose croziers were like unto a weaver’s beam.  So that I almost think I might not have noticed Dr. Wace’s attack, personal as it was; and although, as he is good enough to tell us, separate copies are to be had for the modest equivalent of twopence, as a matter of fact, it did not come under my notice for a long time after it was made.  May I further venture to point out that (reckoning postage) the expenditure of twopence-halfpenny, or, at the most, threepence, would have enabled Dr. Wace so far to comply with ordinary conventions as to direct my attention to the fact that he had attacked me before a meeting at which I was not present?  I really am not responsible for the five months’ neglect of which Dr. Wace complains.  Singularly enough, the Englishry who swarmed about the Engadine, during the three months that I was being brought back to life by the glorious air and perfect comfort of the Maloja, did not, in my hearing, say anything about the important events which had taken place at the Church Congress; and I think I can venture to affirm that there was not a single copy of Dr. Wace’s pamphlet in any of the hotel libraries which I rummaged, in search of something more edifying than dull English or questionable French novels.

And now, having, as I hope, set myself right with the public as regards the sins of commission and omission with which I have been charged, I feel free to deal with matters to which time and type may be more profitably devoted.

I believe that there is not a solitary argument I have used, or that I am about to use, which is original, or has anything to do with the fact that I have been chiefly occupied with natural science.  They are all, facts and reasoning alike, either identical with, or consequential upon, propositions which are to be found in the works of scholars and theologians of the highest repute in the only two countries, Holland and Germany,[65] in which, at the present time, professors of theology are to be found, whose tenure of their posts does not depend upon the results to which their inquiries lead them.[66] It is true that, to the best of my ability, I have satisfied myself of the soundness of the foundations on which my arguments are built, and I desire to be held fully responsible for everything I say.  But, nevertheless, nay position is really no more than that of an expositor; and my justification

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Collected Essays, Volume V from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.