“Your father bids you come,” were the welcome words that fell upon his ears.
“Take thy steed,” he said, “and journey quickly home: he waits impatiently for your return.”
Fast over hill and dale he rode; and when day passed from sight, leaving a jeweled sky to mark its absence, the long-absent son rode to his father’s door, and wept tears of joy upon his breast.
Together they stood, father and son, upon the Mount of Experience, overlooking all the scenes of life.
Our heavenly Father wakes us all from the slumber of infancy and helplessness, and sends us forth alone into the world to learn life’s great lessons. When we have learned them well, he sends the pale messenger, Death, to take us home. How blessed will be that reunion! With the crown of wisdom on our heads, how sweet it will be to go no more out, but dwell with him forever!
In one of the dark periods, when shadows lay upon the earth, a beautiful angel was sent to abide there and teach the doubting and weary of a Father’s love and care.
She found it a tedious task, and, after many years of toil, felt that she needed a helper.
“If my sister were here,” she often said to the people, “she could aid you to greater efforts; for, while I seem to supply a needed element to your souls, I only half succeed in meeting your wants.”
“If she is but half as good as yourself we will welcome her,” answered those to whom she spoke.
“I will go for her,” said Faith, one dark night, after she had been trying to rouse the people to higher states, with what seemed to her but little success. Faith was weary, and wept; and, when her tears flowed, her sister, yet in the realms of peace, by a strange law of sympathy, knew it, and ran to her father, saying, “I, too, must go to the earth; for Faith needs me.”
Her parent sat awhile in deep thought, and Hope waited impatiently for his answer, which came spoken in a firm, clear voice: “We have done Faith a great wrong, I fear, in sending her alone where so much light and comfort is needed. It was too much for her. Go, Hope, and my blessing attend you.”
She was overjoyed at receiving her father’s permission to join her sister; for, since Faith had gone, her beautiful home had seemed lonely.
Faith sat all night with her eyes uplifted to heaven, and, when the morning sun lit the hill-tops, behold! on its beams Hope was descending to earth.
Faith was not long in ascending the hill to meet her sister. Their meeting was full of joy.
“If my eyes had not been lifted heavenward, I should have missed you, Hope: and you must have searched a long time for me; for my journeys are far each day,” said Faith to her sister.
“Keep your eyes ever uplifted,” answered Hope, “and you will see not only the brightness of the heavens, but also the father’s angels whom he chooses to send to your aid.”