The Lighted Way eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 351 pages of information about The Lighted Way.

The Lighted Way eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 351 pages of information about The Lighted Way.
entered his offices in the morning, strutted about the warehouse, went out to lunch with a customer, and which he somehow seemed to lose as the time came for returning to his home.  Once or twice he glanced towards his wife, half nervously, half admiringly.  Once she nodded back to him, but it was the nod of one who gathers up her skirts as she throws alms to a beggar.  Then Arnold realized that his little fit of thoughtfulness had made a material difference to the hum of conversation.  He remembered his duty and leaned over toward Lady Blennington.

“You promised to tell me more about some of these people,” he reminded her.  “I am driven to make guesses all the time.  Why does Mr. Starling look so much like an unwilling and impatient guest?  And where is the castle of the Count Sabatini which has no roof?”

Lady Blennington sighed.

“This table is much too small for us to indulge in scandal,” she replied.  “It really is such a pity.  One so seldom meets any one worth talking to who doesn’t know everything there is that shouldn’t be known about everybody.  About Count Sabatini, for instance, I could tell you some most amusing things.”

“His castle, perhaps, is in the air?” Arnold inquired.

“By no means,” Lady Blennington assured him.

“On the contrary, it is very much upon the rocks.  Some little island near Minorca, I believe.  They say that Mr. Weatherley was wrecked there and Sabatini locked him up in a dungeon and refused to let him go until he promised to marry his sister.”

“There are a good many men in the world, I should think,” Arnold murmured, “who would like to be locked up on similar conditions.”

She looked at him with a queer little smile.

“I suppose it is inevitable,” she declared.  “You will have to go through it, too.  She certainly is one of the loveliest women I ever saw.  I suppose you are already convinced that she is entirely adorable?”

“She has been very kind to me,” Arnold replied.

“She would be,” Lady Blennington remarked, dryly.  “Look at her husband.  The poor man ought to have known better than to have married her, of course, but do you think that he looks even reasonably happy?”

Arnold was beginning to feel rather uncomfortable.  He was conscious of a strong desire not to discuss his hostess.  Yet his curiosity was immense.  He asked one question.

“Tell me,” he said, “if she came from this little island in the Mediterranean, why does she speak English so perfectly?”

“She was educated in England,” Lady Blennington told him.  “Afterwards, her brother took her to South America.  She had some small fortune, I believe, but when she came back they were penniless.  They were really living as small market gardeners when Mr. Weatherley found them.”

“You don’t like her,” he remarked.  “I wonder why?”

Lady Blennington shook her head.

“One never knows,” she replied.  “I admire her, if that is anything.”

Project Gutenberg
The Lighted Way from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.