Servants, manners in the best, 211.
Shrines, nursery, 105, 106.
Sidney, Sir Philip, 127.
Silliness, driven out by manual work, 86.
Simple life, the, 40, 92; for children, 100.
Sin and evil, right thoughts of, 6-7.
Sincerity, 41, 47-9.
Sodalities in Catholic schools, 78.
Solitude, value of, to children, 108-9.
South African War, reaction in education since, 119-20.
Spanish, study of, 154, 159.
Spiritualism, 13.
Sporting instinct in children, 42.
Stagnation of mind, 231.
Story-telling, 170; in teaching history, 180-1.
Strength, Catholic secrets of, 99.
Study, aids to, 103.
Suffrage movement, women’s, 219.
Taste, 182, 196-7; and character, 182-4; independent,
184; self-taught,
184, 185; trained, 185.
“Teacher Study,” from child’s point
of view, 58.
Teacher’s manners, 54-6.
Teachers, a large measure of freedom for, 34,
Teaching, a great stewardship, 3-4, 80; reality in,
122; qualifications
in religious, 4.
—orders of Eeligious, 58-9.
“Teddy Bears,” 105, 106.
Temperament, 21-9; difficulties of, 32; division and
classification of,
23, 26-9; in religion, 28-5.
Tennyson, quoted, 216.
Teutons, types of character among, 97.
Text-books, 180.
Theatres and children, 184.
Theology: not for girls, 18; parallel with a
great Basilica, 19-20;
Natural, 72.
Theresa, Saint, 224.
Thompson, Francis, quoted, 95, 127.
Time, value of, 40.
Townsman, the, in the country, 124-5.
Toys, 107.
Translation from foreign languages, 161-3.
Transvaal, a garden party in the, 126.
Truthfulness, 47, 211.
Ullathorne, Archbishop, quoted, 34.
Ulysses, the wanderings of, 170.
University life for girls, 217-8, 226.
—locals, 87, 168.
Urquhart, D., quoted, 208. Utilitarians in social
life, 186.
Victoria, Queen, 153,198.
Vigilance, 42.
Vitality in teacher, 49.
Vocabulary of children, 132.
Vocation, choice of a, 141.
Voice, influence of tone of, 63; cadences in, 68-4;
production, 184-0.
Vulgarity, 211.
Wassmann, Catholic scientist, 116.
Ways of learning lessons, 101-2.
Westminster, Cardinal Archbishop of, on reading, 147,
Will of a woman, strength of, 282.
Wisdom, the beginning of, 19.
Wollstonecraft, Mary, cited, 216. Woman, the
kingdom of, 224; the
mission of, 288.
Women, higher education of, 214-28; changes In education
of, 316.
—and manners, 203.
—direction of influence of,
—mental characteristics of
the best, 232.
—tendency of, to impressionism
in conduct, 70.
—the really great, 223; conspicuous
in learning, 222; conspicuous in
religion, 224.
Women’s suffrage movement, 219.
Wordsworth, quoted, 32, 114, 135. Work, habit
of, 40, 98.
Young ladies, education for, 215.