and playthings, 107; hoops, 110.
Poetry, 102; place of, 192; for children’s recitation, 186.
Popes, the: in history, 177, 178, 179; of Renaissance, 26; temporal
power of, 165; life of labour of, 98-9.
Popularity in matters of taste, 188-4.
Portraits, criticism of English, in Berlin, 129-30.
Pose, temptation to, 41; of being erratic, 70.
Practical education, 81.
Pressure in education, 97, 116-7.
Prize distribution, system of, 103-4.
Professional dangers in teaching, 61-7.
Pronunciation and accent, 154.
Proportion in studies, 191.
Protestant Reformation, effect on manners, 201.
—school, Catholic child in, 24.
Protestantism, 25; and French Revolution, 202.
Psychology, 68, 70-1, 73.
Pugin’s “Book of Contrasts,” cited, 189.
Punishment, 99.
“Quack” methods in learning languages,
Queen Victoria, 153, 198.
Queen’s College, London, opening of, 216.
Querdeo, Y Le, quoted, 21.
Querulous tone, in the nursery, 53.
Question and answer lessons, 75, 180.
Questioning, manner of, 102; effect of too many questions,
Quiet of mind, 221, 231-2.
Reading: Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster
on, 147, 238-43; and
character, 36; for girls, 146, 148;
without commentary, 145; value
of, in education, 182-42.
—aloud, 134, 136, 146; the
best introduction to literature, 143.
Realities of life, 81, 87 et seq., 226.
Recitation, 134-6; gesture in, 136.
Recreation. See Play.
Reformation, the Protestant, 201.
Religion, the teaching of, 1-20; aims in, 11, 17-18;
periods in, 8.
Religious houses, foundresses of, 224; and manual
labour, 98.
—minds, difficulties of, 63.
—orders, development of, 165.
—teaching: qualifications
for, 4; and manners, 201.
Renaissance, the, 25; Popes of the, 26.
Rewards, 99, 103, 104.
Reynolds, Sir Joshua, cited, 130.
Roman Catholics, disabilities of, 112-3.
—history, 169.
Rossettl, D. G., quoted, 182.
Sacraments, the, as modifying temperamant, 29.
Sacred books, jewels of prayer in, 15.
Saints, devotions to the, 10-11.
Savonarola, 26. Schiller, quoted, 214. Scholastic
philosophy, 74.
School: and home education, contrasted, 77-8;
and preparation for life,
76, 80, 91 et seq,; organization
and individual development, 80.
—education, drawbacks to, 78-9.
—life, impressiveness of, 76-7.
Sohurman, Clara von, 222.
Science, experimental, 120-2, 151; misuse of the term,
Scolding, 43, 60.
Scottish schoolmasters, old race of, 97-8.
Scriptural knowledge examinations, 16.
Scripture, devotional study of, 15.
Self-consciousness in children, 35.
Self-devotion, 31, 219, 224, 228.
Self-help, 89-90.
Selfishness, 84,199-200.