“Babylonian Captivity,” the. 165.
Bacon, “Of Goodnesse,” 45.
Balder, the story of, 170.
Barbarism, selfishness and, 199.
Basilicas, the Christian, 19-20.
Basket-ball for girls, 110.
Bassi, Laura, 222.
Beale, Dorothea, cited, 94.
Bedford College, 218.
Benedictine monks, cited, 92-8.
Boarding schools, 76; young children in, 78.
Boniface VIII, 177.
Books, attitude of child towards, 36; wealth of children’s
literature in
England, 144-5
—reaction against mere lessons
from, 80, 119-20.
—Sacred, jewels of prayer and
devotion in, IS.
—to avoid, 148.
Botany, 122-3.
British oulturs, characteristics of, 139.
Browning, E. B., cited, 216.
—R., quoted, 76; “An
incident of the French camp,” cited, 136.
Calvinism, 4, 26.
Candour, charm of, in children, 130.
Carlyle, cited, 153.
Catch-words, abuse of, 133.
Catherine, St., of Siena, 223.
Art, 189, 197.
Atmosphere, effect on manners, 201.
Body, at play, 111; and religious education,
Characteristics: belong to graver
side of human race, 112,
Child, the, characteristics of, 29, 30;
source of courage in, 9-10;
in Protestant surroundings, 24;
prerogative of, 9, 30.
Children, and relationship with Jeaus
and His Mother, 8; and religion,
16-18; under influence of Sacraments,
Church, ideals for man and woman in, 118,
Citizenship, 39.
Disabilities, Newman quoted, 112-3.
Education, 220, 225, 230; and character,
39; and history, 116.
Faith, gives particular orientation of
mind, 232.
Family life, 89, 93.
Girls, and work for the Church, 89; and
Church music, 193.
Historical hold on the past, 152.
Literature, 240.
Men of science, 116.
Mental life, 242.
Mind: training of the, 197; and history,
Patriotism, 39.
Peasantry, 211.
Philosophy, 60-76; value of, in education,
Schools: manners in, 201; sodalities
in, 78.
Secrets of strength, 99.
Teachers, 100; and truth in history, 178.
Text-books, need of, 180.
Women, duty and privilege of, 112.
Catholics and—
Equality of education, 118; higher education,
220; duty In ing, 240;
historical teaching, 176; Latin,
163; taste in art, 194
—disabilities of, Newman quoted,
Celts of N. Europe, types of character among, 97.
Certificates as aids to study, 1084.
Character, 21-3; essentials of, 40-1; evolution of,
60,179-3; study of,
22, 29, 34-9; training of, 22, 29-34,
38-42, 46, 49-51, 58, 148, 210,
221, 225-6, 230; means of training
42-4; types of, 26-9, 37.
—influence of art on, 186.
—in the teacher, 38, 46-59.
—manners and, 209.
—religion and, 6-7, 29.
—the strength of great women,
—value of, appreciated by children,