The Education of Catholic Girls eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 248 pages of information about The Education of Catholic Girls.

The Education of Catholic Girls eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 248 pages of information about The Education of Catholic Girls.

“Babylonian Captivity,” the. 165. 
Bacon, “Of Goodnesse,” 45. 
Balder, the story of, 170. 
Barbarism, selfishness and, 199. 
Basilicas, the Christian, 19-20. 
Basket-ball for girls, 110. 
Bassi, Laura, 222. 
Beale, Dorothea, cited, 94. 
Bedford College, 218. 
Benedictine monks, cited, 92-8. 
Boarding schools, 76; young children in, 78. 
Boniface VIII, 177. 
Books, attitude of child towards, 36; wealth of children’s literature in
  England, 144-5
  —­reaction against mere lessons from, 80, 119-20. 
  —­Sacred, jewels of prayer and devotion in, IS.
  —­to avoid, 148. 
Botany, 122-3. 
British oulturs, characteristics of, 139. 
Browning, E. B., cited, 216. 
  —­R., quoted, 76; “An incident of the French camp,” cited, 136.

Calvinism, 4, 26. 
Candour, charm of, in children, 130. 
Carlyle, cited, 153. 
Catch-words, abuse of, 133. 
Catherine, St., of Siena, 223. 
  Art, 189, 197. 
  Atmosphere, effect on manners, 201. 
  Body, at play, 111; and religious education, 1. 
  Characteristics:  belong to graver side of human race, 112,
  Child, the, characteristics of, 29, 30; source of courage in, 9-10;
   in Protestant surroundings, 24; prerogative of, 9, 30. 
  Children, and relationship with Jeaus and His Mother, 8; and religion,
   16-18; under influence of Sacraments, 29. 
  Church, ideals for man and woman in, 118, 225. 
  Citizenship, 39. 
  Disabilities, Newman quoted, 112-3. 
  Education, 220, 225, 230; and character, 39; and history, 116. 
  Faith, gives particular orientation of mind, 232. 
  Family life, 89, 93. 
  Girls, and work for the Church, 89; and Church music, 193. 
  Historical hold on the past, 152. 
  Literature, 240. 
  Men of science, 116. 
  Mental life, 242. 
  Mind:  training of the, 197; and history, 165. 
  Patriotism, 39. 
  Peasantry, 211. 
  Philosophy, 60-76; value of, in education, 61. 
  Schools:  manners in, 201; sodalities in, 78. 
  Secrets of strength, 99. 
  Teachers, 100; and truth in history, 178. 
  Text-books, need of, 180. 
  Women, duty and privilege of, 112. 
Catholics and—­
  Equality of education, 118; higher education, 220; duty In ing, 240;
   historical teaching, 176; Latin, 163; taste in art, 194
  —­disabilities of, Newman quoted, 112-8. 
Celts of N. Europe, types of character among, 97. 
Certificates as aids to study, 1084. 
Character, 21-3; essentials of, 40-1; evolution of, 60,179-3; study of,
   22, 29, 34-9; training of, 22, 29-34, 38-42, 46, 49-51, 58, 148, 210,
   221, 225-6, 230; means of training 42-4; types of, 26-9, 37.
  —­influence of art on, 186.
  —­in the teacher, 38, 46-59.
  —­manners and, 209.
  —­religion and, 6-7, 29.
  —­the strength of great women, 228.
  —­value of, appreciated by children,

Project Gutenberg
The Education of Catholic Girls from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.