HUXLEY, T.H., English biologist, born, 1825; died, 1895. Went on an exploring expedition on the Rattlesnake, and devoted himself to the study of marine life. For his scientific researches he received many honors. His lectures were models of clearness, and he could simplify the most difficult subjects. He strongly advocated Darwin’s views and evolutionist doctrines. His writings are numerous and many of them technical. Among some of the most popular are “Man’s Place in Nature,” his “Lay Sermons,” “Critiques and Addresses,” “American Addresses,” “Physiography,” “Science and Culture,” “Lessons in Elementary Physiology,” etc.
KINGSLEY, C., English clergyman and author, born, 1819; died, 1875. Wrote “Westward, Ho!” which every boy should read, “Hypatia,” “Alton Locke,” “Hereward the Wake,” etc., and a charming book of travel, entitled, “At Last.” His “Water Babies” is exceedingly popular, and his “Heroes” is a book much appreciated by the boys and girls alike.
PROCTOR, R.A., English astronomer, born, 1834; died, 1888. He was a very popular writer, and lectured on astronomical subjects in this country, and in England and her colonies. A memorial teaching observatory is erected in his honor near San Diego, Cal. He was a man of untiring industry, an athlete, a musician, and a chess-player. His books are numerous. Among them are “Half Hours with the Telescope,” “Other Worlds than Ours,” “Light Science for Leisure Hours,” “The Expanse of Heaven,” “The Moon,” “The Borderland of Science,” “Our Place Among Infinites,” “Myths and Marvels of Astronomy,” “The Universe of Suns,” “Other Suns than Ours,” etc.
SHALER, N.S., professor of geology at Harvard. Born Newport, Ky., 1841. Served in the Union Army during the Civil War. Instructor zooelogy, geology, and paleontology, Lawrence Scientific School, till 1887. Since then at Harvard. Is the author of “Kentucky a Pioneer Commonwealth,” “The Story of Our Continent,” “The Interpretation of Nature,” “Feature of Coasts and Oceans,” “Domesticated Animals,” “The Individual,” “Study of Life and Death,” etc.
THOMPSON, SIR C. WYVILLE, English zooelogist, born, 1830; died, 1882. He conducted scientific dredging expeditions in the Lightning and Porcupine, 1868-69, and was the scientific head of the famous voyage of 68,900 miles in the Challenger for deep-sea explorations (1872-76). His books are “The Depths of the Sea,” and “The Voyage of the Challenger.”
TYNDALL, JOHN, English physicist, born, 1820. Began his original researches in 1847, when teacher of physics in Queenwood College. He and Professor Huxley visited the Alps together, and they wrote a work on the structure and nature of glaciers. It is impossible to detail the work he has done; but his inquiries and experiments in connection with light, heat, sound, and electricity have all had practical results. He is a popular lecturer, and devoted