But for ought I perceive (said the Citizen’s Wife) here is constant Attendance requir’d, to be in the way; or else how shall a Gentleman do, that chooses the Picture of a Person that en’t there? As to that replied the Bawd, the more any Gentlewoman is there, so much the better ’tis; and so much the more Money they get; but those that can’t attend always, have their certain hours; and if a Gentleman has a Fancy to such a one, when he knows her hour, he will come accordingly.—Now you your self can best judge what hour will be fittest for you—That I am at a Loss how to resolve, says she.—Tell me how you spend your time, all Day, says the Bawd and then I’ll tell you what you shall do—Why, says she, many times I rise at five a Clock in the Morning, and having got my self drest by Six a Clock, I go to the Lecture at St. Antholines, which is done a little before Eight, and then I return home; and at Ten—Hold, says the Bawd, you need say no more; There’s nothing in the World blinds a Man like a pretence of Devotion; and therefore if you can get out at Six a Clock to go to the Lecture, ’tis the only time you can take; and by that time the Lecture’s done, you may be at home again: Nor need you stand much upon Dressing; for if you come in a Loose Morning-Gown, you’re the fitter for Business. She lik’d the Bawd’s contrivance very well, and accordingly paid her Entrance Money, and Deposited two Guinea’s for the Drawing of her Picture. And in the mean time went constantly to the Lecture every Morning: Which her Husband was very well pleas’d at. But her being of late more constant at the Lecture than she us’d to be, caus’d some suspicion in her Husband, who rising one morning (which happened to be the Day before her Picture was ready,) he follow’d her unseen, to know whither she went to the Lecture or no; and she going directly thither, and staying there all the time; her Husband had a mighty Opinion of the Devotion and Piety of his Spouse: And began to blame himself for having entertain’d an ill thought of her.
All things being now ready at the Old Bawds, and her Picture done to the Life, so great was her Beauty, that she wanted no Customers, each Person that came generally made Choice of her to do the Trick with; Whereby she not only satisfied her Lustful Desires, but was supplied with Money likewise, without robing of her Husband of his Coin, tho’ she wrong’d him more nearly another way: Which he not knowing, nor believing, thought himself as happy in her, as any Man in London was in a Wife: So true is that Proverb, Than What the Eye sees not, the Heart rues not.
But there were other Citizens Wives that were as full of Leachery as this, tho’ not so handsome: And they found Trading very sensibly Decay, since this Fair Sinner was enter’d into the Colledge. And she by her Beauty having Monopoliz’d the Topping Customers to herself, was look’d upon with an Envious Eye by all the rest, Who consulting together, found it was absolutely necessary to give her a remove, but how to do it, was the Question: At last one of ’em told the rest it shou’d be her Province; and she wou’d do it effectually, so she as shou’d never know who hurt her: Upon which, without asking her the means, they left the matter intirely to her.