By this Discourse, this Impudent and filthy Trull, quite sham’d him out of any thoughts of Vertue; and therefore that he might the better please her, he replies,
My dear, Thou canst not sure think me so mad as to regard her foolish Idle prate, or to leave thee for twenty such as she is. No, never think I have so little Wit, I gave her such a Reprimand as soon as she had spoke, that cool’d her Courage in an instant: for I let her know her Tittle-Tattle would be all in vain; and that I was resolv’d I would be absolute. Shall I be ty’d by such a one as she? No, Love, I scorn it. And for her Tongue, let me alone to tame it: Winter is coming on and then I’ll make her keep her breath to warm her hands; for she shall have from me no other firing. Let her rail on, and see what she can get by’t; whilst thee and I delight our selves in Pleasures; I’ll be no Slave to that which I possess: Come, thou art mine, and shalt have what thou wilt; my Love to thee is more then to my Heir: shall I live sparing for a Brood of Bratts, that for my Means wish me in my Grave! No, I know better things: I will my self enjoy it while I live, for when I’m gone, the World is gone with me: Thou hast my heart, my Dear, and I’ll not leave thee; tho’ she shou’d Chat until her Tongue be weary. I’ll find another way to make her quiet; or she shall have but very small Allowance: She tells me, Grief will kill her very shortly: I wish it wou’d, I shou’dn’t grutch the Charges of giving her a Coffin and a Grave.
I (says the Coaxing Jilt) I like you now. Do as you say, and then I’ll warrant you, you’ll quickly make the Flirt submit her self: And win my heart for ever.