'Of Genius', in The Occasional Paper, and Preface to The Creation eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 58 pages of information about 'Of Genius', in The Occasional Paper, and Preface to The Creation.

'Of Genius', in The Occasional Paper, and Preface to The Creation eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 58 pages of information about 'Of Genius', in The Occasional Paper, and Preface to The Creation.
trifling, and contemptible, and utterly destroy’d the very Soul of its Energy! ‘flies’ on the Wind!  What an Image is That, to express the Majesty of God?  To ‘walk’ on the Wind is astonishing, and horrible; But to ‘fly’ on the Wind, is the Employment of a Bat, of an Owl, of a Feather!  Mr. Trapp is, I believe, a Gentleman of so much Candour, and so true a Friend to the Interest of the Art he professes, that there will be no Occasion to ask his pardon, for dragging a Criminal Metaphor, or two, out of the Immunity of his Protection.

Mr. Philips has lately been told in Print, by one of our best Criticks, that he has excell’d all the Ancients, in his Pastoral Writings; He will, therefore, be apt to wonder, that I take the Liberty to say, in downright Respect to Truth, and the Justice due to Poetry, that I have not only seen modern pastorals, much better than His, but that his appear, to me, neither natural, nor equal.  One might extend this Remark to the very Names of his Shepherds; Lobbin, Hobbinol, and Cuddy are nothing of a Piece, with Lanquet, Mico, and Argol; nor do his Personages agree better with themselves, than their Names with one another.  Mico, for Example, at the first Sight we have of him, is a very polite Speaker, and as metaphorical as Mr. Trapp.

      “This Place may seem for Shepherds Leisure made,
       So lovingly these Elms unite their Shade! 
       Th’ambitious Woodbine! how it climbs, to breathe
       Its balmy Sweets around, on all beneath!”

But, alas! this Fit of Eloquence, like most other Blessings, is of very short Continuance; It holds him but Just one Speech:  In the beginning of the next, he is as very a Rustick, as Colin Clout, and has forgot all his Breeding.

      “No Skill of Musick can I, simple Swain,
       No fine Device, thine Ear to entertain;
       Albeit some deal I pipe, rude though it be,
       Sufficient to divert my, Sheep, and Me.”

There is no Transformation In Ovid more sudden, or surprizing; He has Reason indeed to say, that, when he “pipes some deal,” his ‘Sheep’ are ‘diverted’ with him.  His Readers, I am afraid too, are as merry as his Sheep; If he was but as skilful in Change of Time, as he is in Change of Dialect, commend me to him for a Musician!  The pied Piper, who drew all the Rats of a City out, after his Melody, came not near him for Variety.

If the late excellent Mr. Addison, whose Verses abound in Graces, which can never be too much admir’d, shall be, often, found liable to an Overflow of his Meaning, by this Dropsical Wordiness, which we so generally give into, it will serve at the same time, as a Comfort, and a Warning; and incline us to a severe Examination of our Writings, when we venture out upon a World, that will, one time or other, be sure to censure us impartially; In That Gentleman’s Works, whoever looks close, will discover Thorns on every Branch of his Roses; For Example, we all hear, with Delight, in his celebrated Letter from Italy, that, there,

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'Of Genius', in The Occasional Paper, and Preface to The Creation from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.