A Voyage Towards the South Pole and Round the World Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 404 pages of information about A Voyage Towards the South Pole and Round the World Volume 2.

A Voyage Towards the South Pole and Round the World Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 404 pages of information about A Voyage Towards the South Pole and Round the World Volume 2.

On the 15th, having finished wooding and watering, a few hands only were on shore making brooms, the rest being employed on board setting up the rigging, and putting the ship in a condition for sea.  Mr Forster, in his botanical excursion this day, shot a pigeon, in the craw of which was a wild nutmeg.  He took some pains to find the tree, but his endeavours were without success.  In the evening a party of us walked to the eastern sea-shore, in order to take the bearing of Annattom, and Erronan or Footoona.  The horizon proved so hazy that I could see neither; but one of the natives gave me, as I afterwards found, the true direction of them.  We observed that in all, or most of their sugar plantations, were dug holes or pits, four feet deep, and five or six in diameter; and on our enquiring their use, we were given to understand that they caught rats in them.  These animals, which are very destructive to the canes, are here in great plenty.  The canes, I observed, were planted as thick as possible round the edge of these pits, so that the rats in coming at them are the more liable to tumble in.

Next morning we found the tiller sprung in the rudder head, and, by some strange neglect, we had not a spare one on board, which we were ignorant of till now it was wanting.  I knew but of one tree in the neighbourhood fit for this purpose, which I sent the carpenter on shore to look at, and an officer, with a party of men, to cut it down, provided he could obtain leave of the natives; if not, he was ordered to acquaint me.  He understood that no one had any objection, and set the people to work accordingly.  But as the tree was large, this required some time; and, before it was down, word was brought me that our friend Paowang was not pleased.  Upon this I gave orders to desist, as we found that, by scarfing a piece to the inner end of the tiller, and letting it farther into the rudder-head, it would still perform its office.  But as it was necessary to have a spare one on board, I went on shore, sent for Paowang, made him a present of a dog and a piece of cloth, and then explained to him that our great steering paddle was broken, and that I wanted that tree to make a new one.  It was easy to see how well pleased every one present was, with the means I took to obtain it.  With one voice they gave their consent, Paowang joining his also, which he perhaps could not have done without the others; for I do not know that he had either more property, or more authority, than the rest.  This point being obtained, I took our friend on board to dinner, and after it was over, went with him ashore, to pay a visit to an old chief, who was said to be king of the island; which was a doubt with me.  Paowang took little or no notice of him.  I made him a present, after which he immediately went away, as if he got all he came for.  His name was Geogy, and they gave him the title of Areeke.  He was very old, but had a merry open countenance.  He wore round his waist a broad red-and-white chequered

Project Gutenberg
A Voyage Towards the South Pole and Round the World Volume 2 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.