Matte my Mamy.
The left Side, A’r_oo_de.
The Side, E’reea’wo.
The right Side, Atou,a’taou.
Sighing, Fa’ea.
Silence, Fatte’b_oo_a.
Similar, or alike, Oowhyae’da.
To sink, A’tomo.
A Sister, T_oo_’h_ei_ne.
To sit down, A’noho.
To sit cross-legged, T_ee_’py.
Six, A’Hon_oo_.
A Skate-fish, E’wha_ee_.
The Skin, Ee’ree.
The Sky, E’ra_ee_.
To sleep, Moee.
The long Sleep, or death, Moee roea.
To sleep, when sitting, T_oo_’roore,moee.
A Sling, E’ma.
Slow, Marra,marroea,s.Fate.
Small, little, Eete.
The sense of smelling, Fata’t_oo_,
Smell it, H_oi_na.
To smell, Ahe’oi.
Smoke, E’oora.
Smooth, Pa’ya.
Smutting the face with charcoal for
funeral ceremonies, Bap’para.
A sea Snake, that has alternate
rings of a white and black colour, P_oo_h_ee_’ar_oo_.
To snatch a thing hastily, E’h_ai_r_oo_.
Sneezing, Mach_ee_’ai.
Snipe, a bird resembling a snipe, of
a black and brown colour, T_ee_’t_ee_.
Snot ’H_oo_pe.
Soberness, sobriety, sober, not given T_ei_r_ei_da.
to drunkenness,
To soften, Epar_oo_’par_oo_.
Softness, that is, not hard, Maroo.
The Sole of the foot, Tap_oo_’y.
A Son My’de.
A Son-in-law, H_oo_’noea.
A Song, Heeva.
The left Side, A’r_oo_de.
The Side, E’reea’wo.
The right Side, Atou,a’taou.
Sighing, Fa’ea.
Silence, Fatte’b_oo_a.
Similar, or alike, Oowhyae’da.
To sink, A’tomo.
A Sister, T_oo_’h_ei_ne.
To sit down, A’noho.
To sit cross-legged, T_ee_’py.
Six, A’Hon_oo_.
A Skate-fish, E’wha_ee_.
The Skin, Ee’ree.
The Sky, E’ra_ee_.
To sleep, Moee.
The long Sleep, or death, Moee roea.
To sleep, when sitting, T_oo_’roore,moee.
A Sling, E’ma.
Slow, Marra,marroea,s.Fate.
Small, little, Eete.
The sense of smelling, Fata’t_oo_,
Smell it, H_oi_na.
To smell, Ahe’oi.
Smoke, E’oora.
Smooth, Pa’ya.
Smutting the face with charcoal for
funeral ceremonies, Bap’para.
A sea Snake, that has alternate
rings of a white and black colour, P_oo_h_ee_’ar_oo_.
To snatch a thing hastily, E’h_ai_r_oo_.
Sneezing, Mach_ee_’ai.
Snipe, a bird resembling a snipe, of
a black and brown colour, T_ee_’t_ee_.
Snot ’H_oo_pe.
Soberness, sobriety, sober, not given T_ei_r_ei_da.
to drunkenness,
To soften, Epar_oo_’par_oo_.
Softness, that is, not hard, Maroo.
The Sole of the foot, Tap_oo_’y.
A Son My’de.
A Son-in-law, H_oo_’noea.
A Song, Heeva.