Language, used when dancing, Timoro’dee_,
Largeness, when applied to a country, Ara’hai_.
country,_etc. N_oo_e.
To laugh, Atta.
Laziness, T_ee_’py.
Lean, the lean of meat, Aeo.
Lean,_slender, not fleshy_, T_oo_’h_ai_.
To leap, Ma’h_ou_ta,
s. A’rere.
Leave it behind, let it remain, ’V_ai_heo.
To leave, E’wh_eeoo_.
The Leg, A’wy.
Legs, my legs ache, or are tired, A’h_oo_a.
A Liar, Taata,ha’warre.
To lie down, or along, to rest one’s
self, Ete’raha,
s. Te’p_oo_.
To lift a thing up, Era’w_ai_.
Day Light, Mara’marama.
Light, or fire of the great people T_ou_t_oi_,papa.
Light, or fire of the common people, N_ee_ao,papa.
Light, to light or kindle the fire, A’t_oo_n_oo_
Light, not heavy, Ma’ma.
Lightning, Oo’waira.
The Lips, Oot_oo_.
Little, small, Eete.
A Lizard, ’Moeo.
Loathsome, nauseous, E,a’wawa.
A sort of Lobster, frequent in the isles, T_ee_on_ai_.
To loll about, or be lazy, Tee’py.
To loll out the tongue, Ewha’tor_oo_ t’Arere.
To look for a thing that is lost, Tap_oo_n_ee_.
A Looking-glass, H_ee_o’ee’otta.
Loose, not secure, A_oo_’w_ee_wa.
A Looseness, or purging, Hawa,’hawa.
To love, Ehe’nar_oo_.
Lover, courtier, wooer, Eh_oo_’noea.
A Louse, Oo’t_oo_.
Low, not high, as low land, etc. Hea,hea, s. Papoo.
The Lungs, T_ee_too,’arapoa.
Lusty, fat, full of flesh, Oo’p_ee_a.
Language, used when dancing, Timoro’dee_,
Largeness, when applied to a country, Ara’hai_.
country,_etc. N_oo_e.
To laugh, Atta.
Laziness, T_ee_’py.
Lean, the lean of meat, Aeo.
Lean,_slender, not fleshy_, T_oo_’h_ai_.
To leap, Ma’h_ou_ta,
s. A’rere.
Leave it behind, let it remain, ’V_ai_heo.
To leave, E’wh_eeoo_.
The Leg, A’wy.
Legs, my legs ache, or are tired, A’h_oo_a.
A Liar, Taata,ha’warre.
To lie down, or along, to rest one’s
self, Ete’raha,
s. Te’p_oo_.
To lift a thing up, Era’w_ai_.
Day Light, Mara’marama.
Light, or fire of the great people T_ou_t_oi_,papa.
Light, or fire of the common people, N_ee_ao,papa.
Light, to light or kindle the fire, A’t_oo_n_oo_
Light, not heavy, Ma’ma.
Lightning, Oo’waira.
The Lips, Oot_oo_.
Little, small, Eete.
A Lizard, ’Moeo.
Loathsome, nauseous, E,a’wawa.
A sort of Lobster, frequent in the isles, T_ee_on_ai_.
To loll about, or be lazy, Tee’py.
To loll out the tongue, Ewha’tor_oo_ t’Arere.
To look for a thing that is lost, Tap_oo_n_ee_.
A Looking-glass, H_ee_o’ee’otta.
Loose, not secure, A_oo_’w_ee_wa.
A Looseness, or purging, Hawa,’hawa.
To love, Ehe’nar_oo_.
Lover, courtier, wooer, Eh_oo_’noea.
A Louse, Oo’t_oo_.
Low, not high, as low land, etc. Hea,hea, s. Papoo.
The Lungs, T_ee_too,’arapoa.
Lusty, fat, full of flesh, Oo’p_ee_a.