Noughts and Crosses eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 168 pages of information about Noughts and Crosses.

Noughts and Crosses eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 168 pages of information about Noughts and Crosses.


In the room of one of my friends hangs a mirror.  It is an oblong sheet of glass, set in a frame of dark, highly varnished wood, carved in the worst taste of the Regency period, and relieved with faded gilt.  Glancing at it from a distance, you would guess the thing a relic from some “genteel” drawing-room of Miss Austen’s time.  But go nearer and look into the glass itself.  By some malformation or mere freak of make, all the images it throws back are livid.  Flood the room with sunshine; stand before this glass with youth and hot blood tingling on your cheeks; and the glass will give back neither sun nor colour; but your own face, blue and dead, and behind it a horror of inscrutable shadow.

Since I heard this mirror’s history, I have stood more than once and twice before it, and peered into this shadow.  And these are the simulacra I seem to have seen there darkly.

I have seen a bleak stone parsonage, hemmed in on two sides by a grave-yard; and behind for many miles nothing but sombre moors climbing and stretching away.  I have heard the winds moaning and wuthering night and morning, among the gravestones, and around the angles of the house; and crossing the threshold, I know by instinct that this mirror will stand over the mantelpiece in the bare room to the left.  I know also to whom those four suppressed voices will belong that greet me while yet my hand is on the latch.  Four children are within—­three girls and a boy—­and they are disputing over a box of wooden soldiers.  The eldest girl, a plain child with reddish-brown eyes, and the most wonderfully small hands, snatches up one of the wooden soldiers, crying, “This is the Duke of Wellington!  This shall be the Duke!” and her soldier is the gayest of all, and the tallest, and the most perfect in every part.  The second girl makes her choice, and they call him “Gravey” because of the solemnity of his painted features.  And then all laugh at the youngest girl, for she has chosen a queer little warrior, much like herself; but she smiles at their laughter, and smiles again when they christen him “Waiting Boy.”  Lastly the boy chooses.  He is handsomer than his sisters, and is their hope and pride; and has a massive brow and a mouth well formed though a trifle loose.  His soldier shall be called Bonaparte.

Though the door is closed between us, I can see these motherless children under this same blue mirror—­the glass that had helped to pale the blood on their mother’s face after she left the warm Cornish sea that was her home, and came to settle and die in this bleak exile.  Some of her books are in the little bookcase here.  They were sent round from the West by sea, and met with shipwreck.  For the most part they are Methodist Magazines—­for, like most Cornish folk, her parents were followers of Wesley—­and the stains of the salt water are still on their pages.

Project Gutenberg
Noughts and Crosses from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.