(a) Orthography.
(b) Copying.
(c) Penmanship.
(d) Arithmetic—fundamental
rules, fractions, percentage,
interest, and discount.
(e) Elements of the English language.
(f) Letter writing.
(g) Law questions.
Day-inspector examination.—This
examination shall not include
more than the following subjects:
(a) Orthography.
(b) Copying.
(c) Penmanship.
(d) Arithmetic—fundamental rules, fractions, and percentage.
(e) Elements of the English language.
(f) Geography of America and Europe.
Inspectress examination.—This
examination shall not include more
than the following subjects:
(a) Orthography.
(b) Copying.
(c) Penmanship.
(d) Arithmetic—fundamental rules.
(e) Geography of America and Europe.
Night-inspector, messenger, assistant
weigher, and opener and packer
examination.—This examination
shall not include more than the
following subjects:
(a) Orthography.
(b) Copying.
(c) Penmanship.
(d) Arithmetic—fundamental rules.
Gauger examination.—This
examination shall not include more than
the following subjects:
(a) Orthography.
(b) Copying.
(c) Penmanship.
(d) Arithmetic—practical questions.
(e) Theoretical questions.
(f) Practical tests.
Examiner examination.—This
examination shall not include more
than the following subjects:
(a) Orthography.
(b) Copying.
(c) Penmanship.
(d) Arithmetic—fundamental
rules, fractions, percentage, and
(e) Elements of the English language.
(f) Practical questions.
(g) Practical tests.
Sampler examination.—This
examination shall not include more
than the following subjects:
(a) Orthography.
(b) Copying.
(c) Penmanship.
(d) Arithmetic—fundamental rules.
(e) Practical questions.
(f) Practical tests.
Other competitive examinations.—Such other competitive examinations as the Commission may from time to time determine to be necessary in testing fitness for other places in the classified customs service.
Noncompetitive examinations.—Such
examinations may, with the
approval of the Commission, be held under
conditions stated in General
Rule III, clause 2.