Man and Wife eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 882 pages of information about Man and Wife.

Man and Wife eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 882 pages of information about Man and Wife.

Sir Patrick turned once more to his niece.

“Some little time since,” he said, “I had occasion to speak to you of the scandalous uncertainty of the marriage laws of Scotland.  But for that uncertainty (entirely without parallel in any other civilized country in Europe), Arnold Brinkworth would never have occupied the position in which he stands here to-day—­and these proceedings would never have taken place.  Bear that fact in mind.  It is not only answerable for the mischief that has been already done, but for the far more serious evil which is still to come.”

Mr. Moy took a note.  Sir Patrick went on.

“Loose and reckless as the Scotch law is, there happens, however, to be one case in which the action of it has been confirmed and settled by the English Courts.  A written promise of marriage exchanged between a man and woman, in Scotland, marries that man and woman by Scotch law.  An English Court of Justice (sitting in judgment on the ease I have just mentioned to Mr. Moy) has pronounced that law to be good—­and the decision has since been confirmed by the supreme authority of the House of Lords.  Where the persons therefore—­living in Scotland at the time—­have promised each other marriage in writing, there is now no longer any doubt they are certainly, and lawfully, Man and Wife.”  He turned from his niece, and appealed to Mr. Moy.  “Am I right?”

“Quite right, Sir Patrick, as to the facts.  I own, however, that your commentary on them surprises me.  I have the highest opinion of our Scottish marriage law.  A man who has betrayed a woman under a promise of marriage is forced by that law (in the interests of public morality) to acknowledge her as his wife.”

“The persons here present, Mr. Moy, are now about to see the moral merit of the Scotch law of marriage (as approved by England) practically in operation before their own eyes.  They will judge for themselves of the morality (Scotch or English) which first forces a deserted woman back on the villain who has betrayed her, and then virtuously leaves her to bear the consequences.”

With that answer, he turned to Anne, and showed her the letter, open in his hand.

“For the last time,” he said, “do you insist on my appealing to this?”

She rose, and bowed her head gravely.

“It is my distressing duty,” said Sir Patrick, “to declare, in this lady’s name, and on the faith of written promises of marriage exchanged between the parties, then residing in Scotland, that she claims to be now—­and to have been on the afternoon of the fourteenth of August last—­Mr. Geoffrey Delamayn’s wedded wife.”

A cry of horror from Blanche, a low murmur of dismay from the rest, followed the utterance of those words.

There was a pause of an instant.

Then Geoffrey rose slowly to his feet, and fixed his eyes on the wife who had claimed him.

Project Gutenberg
Man and Wife from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.