[Footnote 3: Hume Brown, History, ante.]
[Footnote 4: Scandinavian Britain, p. 35.]
[Footnote 5: See Norse Influence on Celtic Scotland (Henderson), passim; and Sutherland and the Reay Country, (Rev. Adam Gunn), chapter on “Language,” p. 172.]
[Footnote 6: Viking Club, Old Lore Miscell., vol. ii, 213; vol. iii, 14, 182, 234.]
[Footnote 7: See Burnt Njal, (Dasent) for a plan and elevation of a Skali. Skelpick may be Skaill-beg, or Little Hall.]
[Footnote 8: Ruins of Saga-time (in Iceland) by Thorsteinn Erlingson, David Nutt (1899).]
[Footnote 9: See his Essay with plans in the Saga Book of the Viking Club, vol. iii, pp. 174-216.]
[Footnote 10: i.e. Broadfield; see O.S., Rolls edition, p. 232, formerly Brathwell.]
[Footnote 11: Mousa in Shetland was twice so used, by two honeymoon pairs. See Tudor, O. and S., p. 481.]
[Footnote 12: O.P., vol. ii, 758.]
[Footnote 13: O.S., 84, 100 and 22; 58, 78, 100, 101, 102, 113, and pp. 226, 227, 228, in Rolls edition. Hjalmundal is the strath, not the village of Helmsdale.]
[Footnote 14: We find in Latheron in Caithness “Golsary” the shieling of Gol. Platagall, see O.P., ii, p. 680.]
[Footnote 15: The bodily form often follows that of fathers of a fair race, it is said.]
[Footnote 16: See p. 21.]
[Footnote 17: Frontispiece to vol. 1 of Du Chaillu’s Viking Age.]
[Footnote 18: See Scotland in Early Christian Times, Dr. Joseph Anderson’s Rhind Lectures in 1879, pp. 141-2; Scandinavian Britain, p. 29.]
[Footnote 19: Saga of Erik the Red and St. Olaf’s Saga. See Orig. Islandicae, vol. ii, Bk. v, pp. 588-756 “Explorers.”]
[Footnote 20: Yet see the Romance of Guillaume le Roi, Chroniques Anglo-Normandes, vol. iii, Francisque Michel.]
[Footnote 21: As witness the Seaforths (Sae-fjorthr) of the 51st Division in France.]
[Footnote 22: Vol. 1, p. 45. See also Burton’s History of Scotland, vol. i, chapter xi, and vol. ii, pp. 14 and 15.]
of Strabrock and Duffus, b. about
1100, was granted Duffus about 1130;
entertained David I in 1150 there; died between
1166 and 1171.
(1)William MacFrisgyn, Grantee of (2)Hugo
Fresechin witnessed the Strabrock, Duffus, &c., “quas
Charter of Lohworuora Church terras pater
suus Friskin tenuit (Borthwick) to Herbert,
Bishop tempore regis David,” 1165-1171.
of Glasgow before 1152, (Hug. Witnessed