Sutherland and Caithness in Saga-Time eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 243 pages of information about Sutherland and Caithness in Saga-Time.

Sutherland and Caithness in Saga-Time eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 243 pages of information about Sutherland and Caithness in Saga-Time.

  Olvir Rosta;
    grandson of Frakark;
    aid sought by earl Ragnvald;
    defeated in sea fight;
    burned Sweyn’s father, Olaf;
    fled before Sweyn and not heard of afterwards;
    no direct heirs;
    his contemporary, Freskyn I;
    supposed ancestor of Macaulays.

  Orcades, of Torfaeus;
    for transl. see Pope, Alex.

  Ord of Caithness;
    king William marched his army to, against earl Harald;
    Man of.

  Origines Parochiales Scotiae.

    St. Kentigern’s mission;
    influence of Gael on Norse;
    foundation of Norse earldom;
    earls’ attacks on north of Scotland;
    succession of earls;
    converted by Olaf Tryggvi’s son;
    under Norway;
    first cathedral and bishop’s seat at Birsay;
    double bishops;
    a contingent in expedition against Saxons;
    trade with Grimsby;
    the bishops;
    Sweyn’s viking life;
    invasion of earl Harald Ungi;
    earl Harold Maddadson, after defeat by Ragnvald Gudrodson, fled to;
    Cobbie Row Castle, in;
    the gaedingar of the earl of Orkney;
    king Hakon at;
    and died in Kirkwall, in the palace of bishop;
    mortgaged to Scotland;
    adopted English with many Norse words;
    old Norse ballad sung in 18th cent.;
    proposed Scot. conquest after Norse reverse at Largs;
    annular eclipse of sun in 1263;
    Orkney and Shetland colonised mainly from the fjords north of Bergen;
    see also Orkney and Caithness, earls of.

  Orkney and Caithness, earls of;
  (see also under their individual names);
    Sigurd Eysteinson;
    Guthorm Sigurdson;
    Hallad Ragnvaldson;
    Torf-Einar Ragnvaldson;
    Arnkell, Erlend and Thorfinn Hausa-kliufr, sons of Torf-Einar;
    Arnfinn, Havard, Hlodver, Ljot and Skuli, sons of Thorfinn;
    Sigurd Hlodverson;
    Somarled, Brusi, Einar and Thorfinn, sons of Sigurd;
    Ragnvald Brusi’s son;
    Paul Thorfinnson;
    Erlend Thorfinnson;
    Sigurd Magnusson, son of k.  Magnus Barelegs;
    Hakon Paulson;
    St. Magnus Erlendson;
    Paul Hakonson the Silent;
    Harald Hakonson Slettmali;
    Erlend Haraldson;
    St. Ragnvald Kolson;
    Harald Ungi;
    Harold Maddadson;
    David Haroldson;
    John Haroldson;
    no pedigree of earls after John;
    diploma of earls unreliable;
    various theories as to genealogy of the earls after John;
    no claim to earldom of Orkney by Johanna of Strathnaver;
    diploma on earldom of Sutherland;
    Malcolm, earl of C. and Angus;
    Magnus II, son of Gilchrist, earl of Angus;
    Magnus III Gibbonson;
    Malise II, heir of Matilda, dau. of earl Gibbon;
    the earldom acquired through females;
    unknown earls;

Project Gutenberg
Sutherland and Caithness in Saga-Time from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.