Sutherland and Caithness in Saga-Time eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 243 pages of information about Sutherland and Caithness in Saga-Time.

Sutherland and Caithness in Saga-Time eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 243 pages of information about Sutherland and Caithness in Saga-Time.

  Mackay (MacHeth) clan;
    came from Moray to Sutherland;
    Freskyns guardians of Moray against MacHeths;
    occupation of Durness;
    rebellion of MacHeths of Moray;
    the chief m. dan. of bishop;
    children of Heth attacked Hakon’s expedition;
    largely blended with Norse.

  Mackay, Iye Mor.

  Mackay, Book of, (Angus Mackay).

  MacWilliam, earl of Caithness (?) (Scots Peerage).

  Maddad, earl of Athole;
    m.  Margret, dau. of earl Hakon Paulson;
    visited by Sweyn;
    his death.

  Maeshowe, runes of.

  Magbiod, or Macbeth, earl;
    fought at Skidamyre, C.

  Magnus the Good, king of Norway;
    grants Orkney to Ragnvald Brusison;
    Thorfinn’s visit.

  Magnus Barelegs, king of Norway;
    expeditions to Scotland;
    father of Harald Gillikrist;
    why called “barelegs”.

  Magnus the Blind, king of Norway;
    defeated by king Harald at Floruvoe.

  Magnus Erlingson, king of Norway;
    fell at Norafjord.

  Magnus Hakonson, crowned king of Norway in his father’s lifetime;
    ceded Hebrides to Scotland.

  Magnus, king of Man;
    joined Hakon’s expedition.

  Magnus, or Mangi, son of Eric Stagbrellir;
    fared to Norway, fell at Norafjord;
    his home.

  Magnus Erlendson, St., earl and saint;
    in expedition to Wales;
    in England and Wales;
    went to Caithness after king Magnus’ death and received as earl there;
    his steward in Orkney killed by earl Hakon;
    dispute with earl Hakon;
    slew his cousin, Dufnjal, and Thorbjorn in Burrafirth;
    his marriage;
    his share seized by Hakon, upon which he went to England;
    burial in Birsay, and removal of relics to St. Magnus’ Cathedral,
    legends, character and appearance;
    his sister, Gunnhild, m.  Kol;
    his successor in estate;
    cathedral built by his nephew, earl Ragnvald;
    his heirs;
    Snaekoll Gunni’s son, representative of his line;
    heirs of his share of Caithness earldom;
    his sagas see below;
    his life;
    took Erlend share of earldom;
    Scottish candidate for earldom of C.;
    mixed blood.

  Magnus II, earl of Orkney and Caithness;
    obscure pedigree;
    erroneously called son of Gillebride of Angus;
    his name suggests a Norse mother of the line of earl Erlend;
    perambulated lands of Arbroath Abbey;
    not a minor on earl John’s death;
    regarding his supposed son, Magnus;
    grant of earldom of south Caith.;
    probably possessed by line of Erlend;
    supposed marriage to the nameless dau. of earl John;
    got earl John’s earldom lands and title;
    remainder of the earldom granted

Project Gutenberg
Sutherland and Caithness in Saga-Time from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.