Sutherland and Caithness in Saga-Time eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 243 pages of information about Sutherland and Caithness in Saga-Time.

Sutherland and Caithness in Saga-Time eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 243 pages of information about Sutherland and Caithness in Saga-Time.
    her husband’s lineage;
    suggested born by 1232 at latest, when her supposed father,
      Snaekoll, went to Norway, but not before 1225;
    possibility of her being a dau. of a younger child of Ragnhild and
      born later than 1225;
    her guardian;
    her lands bounded those of the lord of Sutherland;
    d. ca. 1269;
    her children and estates;
    succ. to Erlend and Moddan lands in C.;
    owned Dalharrold;
    she did not own any lands in south C., which were acquired by
      R. Chen III, i.e., Latheron and Wick;
    she probably owned Far and Halkirk, but not Latheron.

  John, king of England.

  John, king of the Sudreys.

  John o’ Groat’s;

  John, bishop of Caithness;
    mutilated by earl Harald;
    succeeded by Adam;
    neglect to collect Peter’s Pence;
    date of death.

  John, bishop (of Glasgow).

  John Haroldson, earl of Orkney and Caithness;
    from whom Snaekoll Gunni’s son claimed Ragnvald lands in Orkney;
    shared earldom with his brother, earl David;
    succeeded David as sole earl of Orkney and of Caithness;
    his dau. given as hostage;
    letters from earl Skuli;
    at Bergen;
    at the burning of bishop Adam;
    his castle at Brawl;
    the lordship of Sutherland not in his earldom;
    visited Bergen;
    his hostage dau. his only heir;
    assisted Norse against Hebrides;
    favoured Norway;
    representative of line of Paul and Harold Maddadson;
    attacked and slain by Snaekoll;
    his supposed dau.  Johanna;
    his nameless dau. m.  Magnus of Angus;
    succession to earldom;
    theories as to his daughter’s marriage;
    treaty with king William;
    lands confiscated and restored;
    the last male of the Paul line;
    Johanna’s title not derived through him;
    his nameless dau. probably wife of earl Magnus II;
    reasons why Johanna was not his dau.;
    probably named after king John of England;
    his legal successor, his nameless dau.;
    sole earl of O.;
    his sister’s son, Jon Langlifson, in 1263;
    succeeded in earldom of Orkney by Magnus II;
    his castle at Brawl;
    joint earl with David;
    Matilda not his daughter’s name.

  Jon Langlifson.

  Jon Peterson, m.  Ingirid, sister of St. Ragnvald.

  Jury trial.

  Kalf Arnason.

  Kalf Skurfa.

  Kali Ragnvald Kolson.

  Kari Solmundarson.

  Karl Hundason, name of Duncan I, in Saga.

  Keith, or Mar;
    Ce, Pictish province.


  Kenneth, k. of Scots.

  Kentigern, or Mungo, St.

  Kerrera, near Oban.

  Kerrow-Garrow, (Eddrachilles).

Project Gutenberg
Sutherland and Caithness in Saga-Time from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.