The Man from Home eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 105 pages of information about The Man from Home.

The Man from Home eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 105 pages of information about The Man from Home.

You have decide’ what sum?

[He nods decidedly.]


Hawcastle [sharply, with determination, yet quietly].  A hundred and fifty thousand pounds!

Madame de Champigny [excited and breathless].  My friend!  Will she?

[Turns and stares toward Ethel’s room, where the piano is still heard softly playing.]

Hawcastle.  Not for Almeric, but to be the future Countess of Hawcastle.  My sister-in-law hasn’t been her chaperone for a year for nothing.  And, by Jove, she hasn’t done it for nothing, either!

[He laughs grimly, moving back from the table.]

But she’s deserved all I shall allow her.

Madame de Champigny [coldly].  Why?

Hawcastle [rising].  It was she who found these people.  Indeed, we might say that both you and I owe her something also. [Comes around behind table to Madame de Champigny.] Even a less captious respectability than Lady Creech’s might have looked askance at the long friendship [kisses her hand] which has existed between us.  Yet she has always countenanced us, though she must have guessed—­a great many things.  And she will help us to urge an immediate marriage.  You know as well as I do that unless it is immediate, there’ll be the devil to pay.  Don’t miss that essential:  something must be done at once.  We’re at the breaking-point—­if you like the words—­a most damnable insolvency.

[Enter Almeric from the grove.  He is a fair, fresh-colored Englishman of twenty-five, handsome in a rather vacuous way.  He wears white duck riding-breeches, light-tan leather riding-gaiters and shoes, a riding-coat of white duck, a waistcoat light tan in shade, and a high riding-stock, the collar of which is white, the “puffed” tie pink; a Panama hat with a fold of light tan and white silk round the crown.  Carries a riding-crop.]

Almeric [as he enters].  Hello, Governor!

[His voice is habitually loud and his accent somewhat foppish, having a little of the “Guardsman” affectation of languor and indifference.]

Howdy, Countess!

[He drops into a chair at the breakfast-table with a slight effect of sprawling.]

Hawcastle [sharply].  Almeric!

Almeric.  Out riding a bit ago, you know, with Miss Granger-Simpson. 
Rippin’ girl, isn’t she?

Hawcastle [leaning across the table toward him, anxiously].  Go on!

Almeric [continuing, slapping his gaiters carelessly with his crop]. 
Didn’t stop with her, though.

Hawcastle [angrily].  Why not?

Almeric.  A sort of man in the village got me to go look at a bull-terrier pup.  Wonderful little beast for points.  Jolly luck—­wasn’t it?  He’s got a head on him—­

Hawcastle [bitterly].  We’ll concede his tremendous advantage over you in that respect.

Project Gutenberg
The Man from Home from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.