The Man from Home eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 105 pages of information about The Man from Home.

The Man from Home eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 105 pages of information about The Man from Home.

VASILI.  You have until ten o’clock. [Valet appears in the doorway.]

Mon chapeau et pardessus.

[Exit valet.]

In the meantime my friend believes Naples a safe place for me.

[Valet returns with his coat, hat, and gloves.]

And so, auf weidersehn.

[Dismisses the valet with a gesture.]

PIKE [going to him and shaking hands heartily].  Good-bye, Doc, and God bless you!

VASILI.  To our next meeting.

[Exit briskly through the upper doors.  As they close behind him, IVANOFF’S manner changes.  He goes rapidly to a table, picks up the cigarettes, which are in a large silver open box, and touches the bottle of vodka significantly.]

IVANOFF.  I thought so—­Russian!

PIKE.  What!

IVANOFF.  That man, your friend, who calls himself Groellerhagen, is not a German—­he is a Russian—­not only that, he is a Russian noble.  I see it in a hundred ways that you cannot.

PIKE.  Whatever he is, he helped us this afternoon.  I’d trust him to the bone.

IVANOFF.  I have felt it inevitable that I should go back to Siberia.  A thousand times have I felt it since I entered these rooms.

[He goes down toward the window.]

PIKE.  I know you feel mighty bad, but perhaps—­perhaps—­

IVANOFF.  There is no perhaps for me.  There was never any perhaps after I met Helene.

PIKE [scratching his head].  Helene!

IVANOFF.  Helene was my wife, she who sent me to Siberia, she and my dear, accursed English friend.

PIKE [thoughtfully].  What was his name?

IVANOFF.  His name—­it was Glenwood.  I shall not forget that name soon.

PIKE.  What was he doing in Russia?

IVANOFF.  I have told you he had contracts with the Ministry of Finance—­he supplied hydraulic machinery to the government.  Does the name Glenwood mean anything to you?  Have you heard it?

PIKE [profoundly thoughtful, pauses, looking at IVANOFF sharply].  No. [Then to himself.] And there must be a million Helenes in France.

IVANOFF.  I prayed God to let me meet them before I was taken.  But I talk too much of myself.  I wish to know—­you—­you will be safe.  They can do nothing to you, can they?

PIKE [with assumed cheerfulness].  Oh, I’m all right—­don’t worry about me.

[Loud knock at the upper doors.]

IVANOFF [despairingly].  It is the carabiniere.

PIKE.  Steady. [Looks at watch.] Not yet.  Go back.  We won’t throw our hands into the discard until we’re called.  We’ll keep on raising.

[Exit IVANOFF through door on the right, closing it after him.]

[PIKE scratches his head and slowly says:  “Helene.”  Then calls:  “Come in!”]

[MARIANO opens the upper doors from without and bows.]

MARIANO.  Miladi Creesh—­she ask you would speak with her a few minutes?

Project Gutenberg
The Man from Home from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.