The Man from Home eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 105 pages of information about The Man from Home.

The Man from Home eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 105 pages of information about The Man from Home.

HORACE [almost choked with gratitude].  Oh!

[He kisses her hand.]

[HAWCASTLE and LADY CREECH enter from the garden, LADY CREECH talking excitedly.]

[ALMERIC enters through the gates.]

LADY CREECH.  I tell you I couldn’t hear a word they said, they mumbled their words so.  But upon my soul, Hawcastle, if I couldn’t hear, didn’t I see enough?

HAWCASTLE.  Upon my soul, I believe you did.

ALMERIC.  Quite a family pow-wow you’re havin’.

HAWCASTLE.  Is there anything unusual in the village?

ALMERIC.  Ra-ther!  Carabiniere all over the shop—­still huntin’ that bandit feller.

LADY CREECH.  Don’t mumble your words!

ALMERIC [shouting].  Lookin’ for a bally bandit.

[She screams faintly.]

HAWCASTLE.  Be quiet!

ALMERIC.  He’s still in this neighborhood, they think.

LADY CREECH [to HAWCASTLE].  What did I tell you?  Now, how long—­

HAWCASTLE.  You shall not repeat one word of what you saw.  Almeric, find your betrothed and ask her to come here.

ALMERIC.  Rumbo!  I don’t mind, pater!

[Exit into the hotel.]

HORACE.  What’s the row?

HAWCASTLE.  My dear young man, I congratulate you that you and your sister need no longer submit to an odious dictation.

[Enter PIKE briskly from the hotel.]

PIKE [as he enters, genially].  Looks to me like it was going to clear up cold.

[LADY CREECH haughtily stalks off into the garden.]

HAWCASTLE [pleasantly].  Good-afternoon, Mr. Pike.

PIKE [going to the motor].  Howdy!

[Begins touching different parts of the engine.]


HAWCASTLE [suavely, to PIKE].  Mr. Pike, it is an immense pity that there should have been any misunderstanding in the matter of your ward’s betrothal.

PIKE [looking up for a moment, mildly].  Oh, I wouldn’t call it a misunderstanding.

HAWCASTLE.  It would ill become a father to press upon the subject of his son’s merits—­

PIKE [plaintively].  I don’t want to talk about him with you—­I don’t want to hurt your feelings.

HAWCASTLE.  Perhaps I might better put it on the ground of your ward’s wishes—­of certain advantages of position which it is her ambition to attain.

PIKE [troubled].  I can’t talk about it with anybody but her.

[Enter MARIANO from the hotel with a letter on a tray.  Goes to PIKE.]

HAWCASTLE.  There is another matter—­

[PIKE stands examining envelope of the letter in profound thought.]

I fear I do not have your attention.

[MARIANO goes into the hotel.]

PIKE [looking up].  Go ahead!

HAWCASTLE.  There is another matter to which I may wish to call your attention.

Project Gutenberg
The Man from Home from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.