The Wrong Box eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 224 pages of information about The Wrong Box.

The Wrong Box eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 224 pages of information about The Wrong Box.

‘Will you be civil enough,’ said he, ‘to recommend me to an inn?’ Mr Chandler pondered for a moment.

‘Well,’ he said at last, ‘I wonder how about the “Tregonwell Arms".’

‘The “Tregonwell Arms” will do very well,’ returned the old man, ’if it’s clean and cheap, and the people civil.’

‘I wasn’t thinking so much of you,’ returned Mr Chandler thoughtfully.  ’I was thinking of my friend Watts as keeps the ’ouse; he’s a friend of mine, you see, and he helped me through my trouble last year.  And I was thinking, would it be fair-like on Watts to saddle him with an old party like you, who might be the death of him with general information.  Would it be fair to the ‘ouse?’ enquired Mr Chandler, with an air of candid appeal.

‘Mark me,’ cried the old gentleman with spirit.  ’It was kind in you to bring me here for nothing, but it gives you no right to address me in such terms.  Here’s a shilling for your trouble; and, if you do not choose to set me down at the “Tregonwell Arms”, I can find it for myself.’

Chandler was surprised and a little startled; muttering something apologetic, he returned the shilling, drove in silence through several intricate lanes and small streets, drew up at length before the bright windows of an inn, and called loudly for Mr Watts.

‘Is that you, Jem?’ cried a hearty voice from the stableyard.  ’Come in and warm yourself.’

‘I only stopped here,’ Mr Chandler explained, ’to let down an old gent that wants food and lodging.  Mind, I warn you agin him; he’s worse nor a temperance lecturer.’

Mr Finsbury dismounted with difficulty, for he was cramped with his long drive, and the shaking he had received in the accident.  The friendly Mr Watts, in spite of the carter’s scarcely agreeable introduction, treated the old gentleman with the utmost courtesy, and led him into the back parlour, where there was a big fire burning in the grate.  Presently a table was spread in the same room, and he was invited to seat himself before a stewed fowl—­somewhat the worse for having seen service before—­and a big pewter mug of ale from the tap.

He rose from supper a giant refreshed; and, changing his seat to one nearer the fire, began to examine the other guests with an eye to the delights of oratory.  There were near a dozen present, all men, and (as Joseph exulted to perceive) all working men.  Often already had he seen cause to bless that appetite for disconnected fact and rotatory argument which is so marked a character of the mechanic.  But even an audience of working men has to be courted, and there was no man more deeply versed in the necessary arts than Joseph Finsbury.  He placed his glasses on his nose, drew from his pocket a bundle of papers, and spread them before him on a table.  He crumpled them, he smoothed them out; now he skimmed them over, apparently well pleased with their contents; now, with tapping pencil and contracted brows, he seemed maturely to consider some particular statement.  A stealthy glance about the room assured him of the success of his manoeuvres; all eyes were turned on the performer, mouths were open, pipes hung suspended; the birds were charmed.  At the same moment the entrance of Mr Watts afforded him an opportunity.

Project Gutenberg
The Wrong Box from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.