Lippincott's Magazine, December, 1885 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 261 pages of information about Lippincott's Magazine, December, 1885.

Lippincott's Magazine, December, 1885 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 261 pages of information about Lippincott's Magazine, December, 1885.

Nokes [aside]. I don’t wonder at that.

Susan. The people of the hotel here wanted an English chambermaid, and offered me the place, which, since my benefactor the clergyman was dead, I accepted thankfully.

Nokes. Poor girl! poor girl! [Pats Susan’s head.] There, there! your feelings do you the greatest credit; but don’t cry, because it makes your eyes red.  Now, look here, Susan; there’s only one thing more.  You are very soft-hearted, I perceive, and it must be distinctly understood between us that you need never intercede with me in favor of that scoundrel Charles.  I won’t have it.  You wouldn’t succeed, of course, but if I ever happen to get fond of you—­I mean foolishly fond of you, of course—­your importunity might be annoying.  When you are once my wife, however, and keeping your own carriage, I confidently expect that you will behave as other people do in that station of life, and show no weakness in favor of your poor relations.

Susan. I will endeavor, sir, in case you are so good as to marry a humble girl like me, to do my dooty and please you in every way.

Nokes. That’s well said, Susan. [Kisses her.] You have pleased me in a good many ways already. [Aside] I must say, though I didn’t like to dwell upon the idea before—­[Tremendous ringing of bells, and sudden appearance of the mistress of the hotel.  Tableau.]

Mistress of the hotel [to Nokes]. O vieux polisson! [To Susan] Coquine abominable!

Nokes [to Susan]. What is this lunatic raving about?

Susan. She remarks that I haven’t finished my work on the second floor.

Nokes [impatiently]. Tell her to go to—­the ground floor.  Tell her you are going to be married to me within the week, and order a wedding-breakfast—­for two—­immediately.

Susan [aside]. I can never tell her that, for she is a Frenchwoman, and wouldn’t believe it.  I’ll tell her something more melodramatic.  I’ll say that Mr. Nokes is my father, who has suddenly recognized and discovered his long-lost child.—­Madame, c’est mon pere longtemps absent, qui vous en prie d’accepter ses remerciments pour votre bonte a son enfant.

Mistress of the hotel [all smiles, and with both hands outstretched]. Milor, I do congratulate you.  Fortunate Susan!  You will nevare forget to recommend de hotel?

Nokes. Thank you, thank you; you’re a sensible old woman. [Aside] She evidently sees no absurd disproportion in our years.—­Breakfast, breakfast!—­dejeuner a la what-do-you-call-it! champagne! [Exit landlady, smiling and bowing.]

Nokes. In the mean time, Susan, put on your bonnet and let’s go out to—­whatever they call Doctors’ Commons here—­and order a special license. [Susan goes.] Stop a bit, Susan; you forget something. [Kisses her.] [Aside] I did not like to dwell upon the idea before, but she’s got a most uncommon pretty mouth.

Project Gutenberg
Lippincott's Magazine, December, 1885 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.