‘Being in bed one morning,’ (says he) ’I was desirous to know whether I should ever be a Lord, Earl, or Knight, &c. whereupon I set a figure; and thereupon my judgment:’ by which he concluded, that within two years time he should be a Lord or great man: ‘But,’ says he, ’before the two years were expired, the Doctors put me in Newgate, and nothing came.’ Not long after, he was desirous to know the same things concerning his honour or greatship. Another figure was set, and that promised him to be a great Lord within one year. But he sets down, that in that year he had no preferment at all; only ’I became acquainted with a merchant’s wife, by whom I got well.’ There is another figure concerning one Sir —— Ayre his going into Turkey, whether it would be a good voyage or not: the Doctor repeats all his astrological reasons and musters them together, and then gave his judgment it would be a fortunate voyage. But under this figure he concludes, ’this proved not so, for he was taken prisoner by pirates ere he arrived in Turkey, and lost all.’ He set several questions to know if he should attain the philosophers’ stone, and the figures, according to his straining, did seem to signify as much; and then he tuggs upon the aspects and configurations, and elected a fit time to begin his operation; but, by and by, in conclusion, he adds, ’so the work went very forward; but upon the [symbol: aspect “squares”] of [symbol: aspect “conjunctions”] the setting-glass broke, and I lost all my pains:’ he sets down five or six such judgments, but still complains all came to nothing, upon the malignant aspects of [symbol: Saturn] and [symbol: Mars]. Although some of his astrological judgments did fail, more particularly those concerning himself, he being no way capable of such preferment as he ambitiously desired; yet I shall repeat some other of his judgments, which did not fail, being performed by conference with spirits. My mistress went once unto him, to know when her husband, then in Cumberland, would return, he having promised to be at home near the