The Scientific American Boy eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 211 pages of information about The Scientific American Boy.

The Scientific American Boy eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 211 pages of information about The Scientific American Boy.

Danish sail
Derrick, the
Diamond box kite
Digging the well
Disk, cutting out
Disk, sighting
Diving tree
Door hinges
Door latch
Doors, sliding
Double mirror heliograph
Double surprise
Drill, fire
Drowned, how to restore, alone
Drowned, restoring the

Easter vacation
Elastic belly band
Expedition, Arctic
Expedition, logging
Expedition, preparing for
Exploration, preliminary

Farewell to Willow Clump Island
Fastener, brass
Filter, the barrel
Filter barrel, cooling the
Filter, the small
Fire drill
Fireplace of log cabin
Fireplace, outdoor
Fireplace, stone-paved
Fissure, path up the
Flanged wheels
Fly, ridge pole
Fly for tent
Fly, umbrella with
Focusing heliograph instrument
Frame on bicycle wheels
Frames for cantilever bridge
Frames of cantilever bridge, setting up
Friend in time of trouble

Goblins’ Dancing Platform
Grass hut
Gravity railroad

Halliday, Jim
Hammock, barrel stave
Harness, pack
Heliograph, the
Heliograph, double mirror
Heliograph instrument, focusing
Heliograph screen
Heliograph sight rod
Heliograph signaling
Heliograph, single mirror
Hinge for spars
Hinges, door
House building
House, log
House, the tree
Hut cold night in
Hut, log
Hut, straw

Ice boat, the
Ice boats, sledges and toboggans
Ice, craft strikes the
Ice creepers,
Indian paddling canoe
Instrument, double mirror
Instrument, single mirror
Instrument, surveying
International Telegraph Code
Iroquois snow shoe
Island, mapping the
Island, off to the
Island, trip to the

Jacob’s Ladder
Jaw’s of boom
Jib-sail for ice boat
Jib-sail for scooter scow
Jim Halliday

King post bridge
King rod truss
Kite, diamond box
Kite Island
Kite, Malay, 5-foot
Kite, Malay, 8-foot
Kites, putting to work
Kites, tailless
Klepalo, the

Ladder, the Jacob’s
Ladders, rope
Lagoon, the
Lake Placid
Land yacht
Land yacht, a sail on
Lanteen sail for canoe
Lanteen skate sail
Latch, door
Latch string
Lee boards, canoe
“Leg-of-mutton " sail
Levels, spirit
Lock combination
Log cabin
Log cabin, building the
Log cabin door hinges
Log cabin door latch
Log cabin door and window frames
Log cabin fireplace
Log cabin, floor of
Log cabin, foundation of
Log cabin, roof of
Log cabin, stopping up chinks
Log cabin window sash
Log raft
Logging expedition

Mainsail for canoe
Mainsail for ice boat
Malay kite, 5-foot
Malay kite, 8-foot
Mapping the island
Mast of land yacht, stepping
Mast step, ice boat
Mast step, leather

Project Gutenberg
The Scientific American Boy from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.