Three Years in Europe eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 238 pages of information about Three Years in Europe.

Three Years in Europe eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 238 pages of information about Three Years in Europe.

On the 28th of August he landed at Liverpool, a time and place memorable in his life as the first upon which he could truly call himself a free man upon God’s earth.  In the history of nations, as of individuals, there is often singular retributive mercy as well as retributive justice.  In the seventeenth century the victims of monarchical tyranny in Great Britain found social and political freedom when they set foot upon Plymouth Rock in New England:  in the nineteenth century the victims of the oppressions of the American Republic find freedom and social equality upon the shores of monarchical England.  Liverpool, which seventy years back was so steeped in the guilt of negro slavery that Paine expressed his surprise that God did not sweep it from the face of the earth, is now to the hunted negro the Plymouth Rock of Old England.  From Liverpool he proceeded to Dublin where he was warmly received by Mr. Haughton, Mr. Webb, and other friends of the slave, and publicly welcomed at a large meeting presided over by the first named gentleman.

The reception of Mr. Brown at the Peace Congress in Paris was most flattering.  In a company, comprising a large portion of the elite of Europe, he admirably maintained his reputation as a public speaker.  His brief address, upon that “war spirit of America which holds in bondage three million of his brethren,” produced a profound sensation.  At its conclusion the speaker was warmly greeted by Victor Hugo, the Abbe Duguerry, Emile de Girardin, the Pastor Coquerel, Richard Cobden, and every man of note in the Assembly.  At the soiree given by M. De Tocqueville, the Minister for Foreign Affairs, and the other fetes given to the Members of the Congress, Mr. Brown was received with marked attention.

Having finished his Peace mission in France, he commenced an Anti-slavery tour in England and Scotland.  With that independence of feeling which those who are acquainted with him know to be his chief characteristic, he rejected the idea of anything like eleemosynary support.  He determined to maintain himself and family by his own exertions—­by his literary labours, and the honourable profession of a public lecturer.  His first metropolitan reception in England was at a large, influential, and enthusiastic meeting in the Music Hall, Stone Street.  The members of the Whittington Club—­an institution numbering nearly 2000 members, among whom are Lords Brougham, Dudley Coutts Stuart, and Beaumont; Charles Dickens, Douglass Jerrold, Martin Thackeray, Charles Lushington, M.P., Monckton Milnes, M.P., and several other of the most distinguished legislators and literary men and women in this country—­elected Mr. Brown an honorary member of the Club, as a mark of respect to his character; and, as the following extract from the Secretary, Mr. Stundwicke, will show, as a protest against the distinctions made between man and man on account of colour in America:—­“I have much pleasure in conveying to you the best thanks

Project Gutenberg
Three Years in Europe from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.